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balls didnt read the main thread before posting this is for the 3d

Ok ok so heres the jist. character is an ancestral spirit in a mortal tangible form. its gonna be a Jackalobe in western/ native American garb. his armor will consist of a turtle shell shoulder guard with a small totem pole coming out of it. the totems will be other ancestral spirits which can advise him and assist with defensive magics. other than that bare chested with filed down horns and lots of necklaces. his weapon will be the ancestral spirit of the snail named Kori. Kori is a snail with a spiked shell and elongated neck in a neck brace. he is used as a 2 handed hammer. sooooo. o also will have carrots as suruken with the stems tied into the handle.

Jackalobe of the Greentooth tribe
implament Kori

Updates when my photoshop is fixed.

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