Totally pumped for this shit! Been thinking about what to do and its a toss up between an Abomination or a Norm Clericon / Invoker.
Inspired by mrkites approach and started out with some thumbs/compositions/doodles whatever you wanna call them.
My thinking with the Norms is either;
"manipulate his surroundings or enemies."
"This character type uses magic to heal, strengthen"
I either want them to use their weapon as a kind of enhancer / medium to controlling the environments or to bond the environment to themselves. (i.e. stone arms - if youve seen Fullmetal Alchemist youll know whats inspired me :E)
With the more caster silouettes I was thinking they control vasts amount of earth/whatnot with their missing limb being the limb that fights - only its made of earth and is fucking huge?
- Deleted the quick demonconcepts.
- Moved an updated version of D into this post.
There are some more cleric/priesty things in there but they dont really sell much. Not sure how i can make the silouette really pop aside transmitters and things coming from his shoulders/back. That and a funky headgear and yukata?!
- Merged this up with post #4 and deleted some naff concepts.
Will be keeping an eye on your entry
nice gestures.
Heres some more thoughtout demon orientated designs with another 3 to come;
Cleared up some of the rough concepts in this thread too, will try and keep a decent flow of images.
a) 4 Legs all torso and a bit horselike. Think Bruteforce / battering ram
b) A giant Portal Guardian - I guess this is a bit egyptian inspired. Im thinking about the giant pillars being apart of his body, but if thats the case theyd need to be designed to be a bit more usable.
c) A digger/mole type demon, pretty simple shit really.
d) Regal demon thats more element than flesh bound, volcano styled head with his body merging with stone/lava stuffs.
e) Demon prince thats pretty ethereal. Long particle like goatlegs ... although he will probably float about anyway~
D on the last one looks the most interesting to me
keep it up
Lots of b's a few e's and some a d... its like my GCSE's all over again, only swap the b's with the d's.
Had a quick mishmash and threw B and D together as I liked those a lot... not too sure about the outcome as I want to lower him to stoop more only then theres a risk of him resembling westers concept a bit;
Hes lost some of the charms that made the individual sillouettes what they were too so hmm doubt ill stick with this as is but i do like the bulky arms!
Will think about trying out what i can do with E and revisiting some Norm Invoker/Clericon designs in the process.
Cheers for the support people, ill drive by your threads for some cheerleading~
Nice thumbs, keep it up
Wanted to have a quick doodle with my thinner demon design. This guy would be a strong caster type... like really strong with teleportation abilitys and corrupting the ground where he hovered above. yay pestilence.
This time ill really go back to norms for some experimentin!
I could see him with something like a staff beside him--one that hovers cause he's just so powerful he doesn't need to use or hold things with his hands :P
I wanted an excuse to design a cool weapon or staff (hence wanting to go back to my norms) but if I can throw something like that in with him (maybe 2 staffs from B?) then thatd be awesome as I do like his silouette.
I dont really know if you cant design weapons if you're making something like deamon prince. I cant find anything in the rules that prevents them from having someting like a staff or even something as crazy as a shadow gun or something (think "the darkness")...
Doodling with some norm ideas... the electric dude and a more girly looking character. I want to try out something a bit tribal/natural looking so ill tinker around with that!
Also - playing with a softbrush is so much more fun than doing thumbnails... albeit nowhere near as quick
Great stuff.
This last batch of sketches... I know they're rough, but they're not really doing anything for me right now. For some reason they feel a little generic and forced to me, not sure why.
Whatever you choose, just make sure you really love it! Be it human or demon