I want to do a cyborg character but im having a hard time fleshing out ideas....I have a idea that I want a big gun mount on his arm that has many stitched together hands placed there holding the gun But im kinda drawing blanks on how to concept it asside from that...anywho what I got so far
somehow I dont think these guys are up to the task of helping anyone win the war... and for anyone who thinks this is in bad tast, sef actually asked me to post it
Ha that's hilarious.
Cyborg huh, that's like two things in one... Hard surface and organic modeling all in one. I don't see too many people going down that road. Get off the R-Train and get on the short demon bus like everyone else! jk do what you want, just saying, demon... they're big and bad ass and evil...
got some concepts going with alchemy its my new favorite program.....though im still trying to make a cyborgish character.....I keep drawing weird fallen angels/demons.....
Looks like the rage train is on an express route to the winsauce factory!
The second round of thumbs are looking a lot better but are immensely busy with noise and random lines which I think will spend more time confusing you than actually giving you a good idea of where you want to go.
Keep your thumbs simple, dude. Quick and loose and don't worry about the detailing just yet. The more of these quick thumbs you knock out the more choices you'll have further along and the happier you'll be with your concept.
greatest thread yet remi i think the rage train would be good....ask me why...ok because you sir can carry in all the other poly counters to WARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! plus it be scary to see tomas the train all jacked up on mountain dew
It's time these sketches stepped on the rage train. Whats with the weepy mournful faces? They're fighting in a war, not watching Fried Green Tomatoes!
With that said, 1 is pretty cool, lots of arms, lots of polys, but if you get rid of the legs and its a flyer it might be ok. also some of the arms could probably be really low poly yea?
I want to do a cyborg character but im having a hard time fleshing out ideas....I have a idea that I want a big gun mount on his arm that has many stitched together hands placed there holding the gun But im kinda drawing blanks on how to concept it asside from that...anywho what I got so far
and for anyone who thinks this is in bad tast, sef actually asked me to post it
Cyborg huh, that's like two things in one... Hard surface and organic modeling all in one. I don't see too many people going down that road. Get off the R-Train and get on the short demon bus like everyone else! jk do what you want, just saying, demon... they're big and bad ass and evil...
Lets see some more Alchemy magic.
got some concepts going with alchemy its my new favorite program.....though im still trying to make a cyborgish character.....I keep drawing weird fallen angels/demons.....
well any of these stand out let me know..
The second round of thumbs are looking a lot better but are immensely busy with noise and random lines which I think will spend more time confusing you than actually giving you a good idea of where you want to go.
Keep your thumbs simple, dude. Quick and loose and don't worry about the detailing just yet. The more of these quick thumbs you knock out the more choices you'll have further along and the happier you'll be with your concept.
Keep plugging away, dude and good luck.
Sef -- 5's got promise but I'd like to see you push your shapes a bit more at this stage. Keep drawing!
Also, what's up with you putting little people in all of them? speaking of which:
you're really making this too easy :P
With that said, 1 is pretty cool, lots of arms, lots of polys, but if you get rid of the legs and its a flyer it might be ok. also some of the arms could probably be really low poly yea?
next batch
well anywho I decided to refine the 1st concept more...I think Im going to make a Shaman Demon Lord
I just did a rough idea...I will glady like to recieve any draw overs or advice given.
But still WIP as always
Kinda reminds me of the Hindu goddess Kali
An indian influenced character could be something a bit different.
so excuse the clashing of many colors but its mostly just tests right now