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DWIV - 3D - pestibug

polycounter lvl 18
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pestibug polycounter lvl 18
Alright, latest wips and such shall be posted here aswell: stage: concepting! :D

Bit of backstory: (pending)

Even in the chaotic and dark hellish dimension, this creature is little understood and much feared. If there is being spoken about it at all, it is referred to in hushed tones as 'The purifyer'. It seems only the higher forces know the purpose of this entity and how it fits in their schemes.

All that is known is that once the purifyer is unleashed, nothing is left alive. Once it humongous bulk settles and pupates from bud into its full state it will begin to unleash spores of death into the air. These massive clouds of this syrup like substance liquify any living tissue it touches. The goop that's left serves as a means of food for 'The purifyer'as it slowly, but steadily moves aross the lands.





  • Belltann
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    Belltann polycounter lvl 17
    Sweet man. Nice to see you in the comp this year to. :)
  • pestibug
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    pestibug polycounter lvl 18
    Right, so time to show some stuff!

    This year, it shall be a demon warlord. I read the brief as: posesses no human characteristics at all. Now after re-reading it seems you can have some, but I opted to go for something completely otherwordly.

    To make it even crazier, I'll be using flowers as inspiration! Now i pretty much got the rough idea in my head, and I'll be pretty much focussing on individual parts concepting wise, and then as things progress somethign wicked will come out of it.

    All there's left to say is, it's tentacle and meat-flower time!

    now pics:


    So, quicky side view, roughly the idea I'm pursuing, some huge tentacle, flower/pupating thing :)


    Scribbling ideas.


    More refined idea for the base tentacles. perhaps I'll add soem spider eye-ish things, so they might be sort off their own entity. Anyway so far i like the direction.


    Bit of a head study, pleased with this idea, see if it'll evolve further.

    Belltann, good to see ya here too!
  • jerry
    Finally :D

    He should totally have a tongue to lure prey.
  • fightpunch
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    fightpunch polycounter lvl 10
    Really nice head study, can totally see its inner mouth being able to slide out and ruin some poor suckaz day.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    great start! love the skin stretched between the teeth
  • pestibug
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    pestibug polycounter lvl 18
    Jerry, fightpunch: He'll probably have some retactable mouth/tongue thing. See if i can come up with something crazy for that.

    Rooster: Thanks man, stick around to see the craziness unfold! :D
  • Belltann
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    Belltann polycounter lvl 17
    Love that face mate. :) intressting stuff indeed.
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    me likey sir :) always a pleasure to see monsters from you :)
  • pestibug
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    pestibug polycounter lvl 18
    Alright, a bit more bits and pieces, 3 tongue designs, 3 mini tentacles for at teh base of the body between teh large tentacles.

  • kite
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    kite polycounter lvl 17
    ah those are awesome!
  • Mark Dygert
    Really great studies. I love the teeth!
  • Sir Gimp
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    Sir Gimp polycounter lvl 17
    Can't go wrong with the giant flesh rendering plants. Nice work
  • machuca
    killer plant! thats evil.
    where did his head go on your last side view sketch!?
  • r4ptur3
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    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10
    man nice stuff -- you can seriously blindfold yourself and point to any random concept you did and it'll kick!
  • DrElu
    I like T3! The tongue with the small eye in it! Looks really cool!
    Imagine that thing coming out of the mouth looking at you before it's going to kill :D
  • pestibug
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    pestibug polycounter lvl 18
    Hey all, glad to see people like my weird plant thing, time to reply!

    Belltann, vahl, kite, vig thank you, glad you guys dig it!

    Sir gimp, machuca: Remeber it's based on plants/flowers for inspiration, but it will not be an actual plant. Just the shapes and idea of leaves and such. Colorwise it will probably be grey meat with fleshy bits and maybe some flurecent green. Well, the color bits will come later.

    As for the head:


    That's where it roughly will be. The front of the body will have a zipper like idea of tentacle things interlocking, protecting the face and such. Once opened the head will emerge.
    So, the red circle is where the head roughly sits.

    R4ptur3: I take that as a huge compliment! :D

    DrElu: The eye one eh? funny I prefer the second tongue, but the eye thing is cool. I might re-work it. It would be nice if the tongue was a sort of (parasitic) entity of its own.
  • pestibug
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    pestibug polycounter lvl 18
    Ok, update time. So yesterday I was talking with Belltann, and he said: You know, what if it floated?

    Now this idea was damn interesting, so I did some sketches! As you can see the whole 'head' part stays the same, because I really like the stuff I have going for it now. It's just the body that changing and the placement of the head.

    So, umm, is this better or worse, the floating one or my original idea?

    And which of the floaties do you guys dig the most?


    Let hear it! :D
  • rats78
    prefer the 1st one. nice shapes...i like the tenticles coming out the top as opposed to the wings you've added to the other sketch. Very nice indeed.
  • Inpw
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    Inpw polycounter lvl 14
    I prefer #2. I tlooks exactly like turned flower. May be add some more petals?
  • MoJoE
    liking t3 and l1!

    really liking ya work pesti!
  • joolz8000
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    joolz8000 polycounter lvl 18
    I think #2 makes a better presentation, though I'm not so crazy about the wing. Maybe more would be better. Could try angling it down?
  • Boojeah
    i like #2 as well but maybe more so if it had that leafy back of the first one incorporated somehow
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    What about getting some kind of pitcher plant typed deal going on there? With a little creativity you'd be able to give it abstract head typed appearance.
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Floating gives it a different feeling for sure. Maybe a bit more ominous.. however, all those tentacles are not going to be fun to model. I like the idea though, and your little sketches and studies are really good.
  • coldkodiak
  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    #2. It just needs some work to make it more of a character, instead of an unpersonable blob.
  • Freuon
    Great concepts Pestibug! I love the flower-idea. Makes me want to make a flower/vegetation-influenced concept myself.

    I'm all for the flying #2. It's almost too appealing :D
  • Diwan
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    Diwan polycounter lvl 13
    Nice concepts! I like nr 2 as well.
  • pestibug
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    pestibug polycounter lvl 18
    wow, lots of replies, thanks everyone! It seems nr2 is a winner here, cool, cool.
    But ofcourse I had to go and chat with rawkstar and he said: Well, what if it had legs?

    So, off I went to draw legs hahahaha I guess this covers all bases now!


    No feet yet, would have to play around with some ideas for those.

    Damned.. Too many directions to take this. I feel legs are really pushing it maybe too much into something recognizable. I really want something weird with no personality, something very alien.

    Any thoughts on the legged version guys?

    Freuon: Glad you like it, go crazy, show plants and flowers on the polycount side are more than just for giving away on mother's day :D

    Coldkodiak: Actually I want it to be very unrecognizable as what it exactly is and not have any personality. Just something very alien and disturbing in tis own way :)

    Kamui: Well, I will model a few different base tentacles (3 types i think) and then just copy them.

    jackblade: I actually used pitcherplants in the first sketches I did in my sketchbook, but some how I wan't really happy with how those turned out. Right now I'm pretty set on this direction, pitcherplants will habve to wait for the next domwar ;) It's a good idea tho'! But too late now :)

    Boojeah: Thanks, Luckily its not too hard to mix and match between concepts for my final choice.

    Joolz8000: When I was concepting I was thinking about more wings, but I figure that would probably be something that I could sort out in 3D when blocking out the model. I agree it needs atleast another set of wings.

    MojoE: Thanks :)

    Inpw: I don't think I'll add more petals, I have to be able to model it too after all :) I think these are already pushing it (polycount wise).

    rats78: Thank you, and yeah the pollen thingies out of its back work nicely. Still I could mix that with nr2 aswell :)
  • Belltann
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    Belltann polycounter lvl 17
    Yes! The legs made allot of difference. But if you want it weird how about making the legs really thin and longer and the body more bloated like its full of some noxious fume?

    keep it up dude, the concepts rock.
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Hmm, i'd rather see him floating or closer to the ground with stubbier legs than those long tall ones. You would have to lose or shorten the bottom tentacles of course.
  • pestibug
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    pestibug polycounter lvl 18
    Almost time to make a choice, this weekend I'll deceide the direction. In the mean time enough details and stuff to think about.

    Belltann: It scared me how much difference the legs made. Geez, I'm almost concepting a whole race! haha The noxious fumes definately works, since the basic principle remains, it's spreads clouds of spores.

    Kamui: I'd rather have him floating than on stubby legs. Looking back my original concept was all about having it on the ground, and while a cool idea, I'm much happier the way it is evolving. I think it needs to be intimidating in its height, wether by floating, or on huge stalky legs.

    Alright and a update! I pretty much deceided on what tentacles I'll go for, 3 types.

    The spore/acid tentacle. This is pretty much for a direct ground assualt and has a impregnating effect as in creating a ground covering mist. The tentacles make up for the bulk of the tentacle mass.

    The probe tentacle is a big sensory sensitive probe of sorts. It drags over the ground and is used to localize, and to examine the surroundings. These are pretty much forming the center of the tentacle mass

    The attack tentacle is used in case somethign would head on attack this creature. Normally these tentacles are pretty dormant, aside from prehaps destroyong large objects if needed. These tentacles are on the outer rim of the tentacle mass.


    Thanks all for the comments, keep them coming! :D
  • Belltann
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    Belltann polycounter lvl 17
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I'm not too sure about the legs. What if he had a few larger tentacles that he could walk on like an octopus?
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Mister I would like to say i like what you did there...
  • Zatoichi
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    Zatoichi polycounter lvl 18
    Looks like we are going in the same direction. Will be interesting to see yours develop.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome concept sketches, pestibug. I like the unique designs, its awesome seeing some non-bi-pedal designs.
    Keep it going, mate.
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    I love this concept man, one of my favorites so far.
    I really don't care much for the legs though, it adds too much of an earthy factor, that kind of takes away from the bizarreness of it. Keeping it floating is going to be very unique for this contest.
    the Tenticals are great addation! Its more cthulhu mythos than large plant creature, which my personal taste cares for more.

    Cant wait to see more dude!:thumbup:
  • Diwan
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    Diwan polycounter lvl 13
    I have to agree with mikezoo, the legs are cool but having this giant plant thing floating around everywhere makes it stand out much more.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
  • pestibug
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    pestibug polycounter lvl 18
    Soooo, update time! I made my choice and strated messing around with the basemesh. This guy is going to be a blast to sculpt for sure! :)


    So I deceided for floaty nr1. Funny because when I concepted these I really preferred nr2, like most people. But after some more time to look and think about the concepts I found nr1 to be more to my liking. It's just a bit more 'weird' than nr2.


    Belltann: I knows you luvs it :) Who can't resist an demon tentacle pore spreading cuddlebag like that?

    jackablade: Well, I deceide for floating, and some tentacles dragging on the ground, no walking at all. :)

    Beatkitano: Well mister, then I thank you very much :D

    Zatoichi: I had a look at your entry and its awesome! Our entries could definatly exist in the same universe. Very cool to see how people can come to the same ideas of sorts. Let our demonic hordes crush the opposition with tentacle weirdness!

    Caseyjones: Thank you very much :) I made a bit of a mistake reading the brief and understood demon warlords were to have NO human traits/limbs etc etc at all. So that's what pulled me over, to make something utterly strange, weird, but yet something that could work in the universe of dominance war. (ow, and hopefully appealing to the crowd too :) )

    Mikezoo, Diwan: You'll be pleased to see the legs will not be done! I agree, after looking a bit more at these concepts the legs just somehow brought it down to a more 'normal level'. While I think they still look cool, they would most likely work on a different character within this species.
    I didn't intend to go for chtulhu, but well tentacles and pretty quickly chtulhu will come around the corner :) But mind you it's not a plant, its plant inspired :)

    Killingpeople: Yeah, he's a nasty gnarly oldie with a bad temper ;)
  • Belltann
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    Belltann polycounter lvl 17
    What final entry allready!? ;)
  • pestibug
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    pestibug polycounter lvl 18
  • 55joe
    very well done concept.
  • Belltann
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    Belltann polycounter lvl 17
    Going to be ace with all those tentacles hanging underneath. Cant wait for an update :)
  • pestibug
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    pestibug polycounter lvl 18
    small update, busy weekend and to tired to do much, next week will be better I promise.

    Anyway added the head fixed, little tentacles, just basic stuff.

  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Lovely and disgusting. Does the head extrude from the body like the meatweasels in king kong?
  • pestibug
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    pestibug polycounter lvl 18
    Meatweasels hehe, yeah along those lines. The little tentacle flaps open up, revealing the head and it can slide out to have a peek around ;)
  • pestibug
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    pestibug polycounter lvl 18
    Alright, I blocked out the bulk of the model, only some tidy up left to do, break symetry in certain places. I'm happy how it looks in 3d almost time to drag this sucker into mudbox! :D

  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    omg !!

    cool stuff pesti !!! I need to get mine started :(
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