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I want your beautiful mind!

polycounter lvl 18
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John Warner polycounter lvl 18
Hey folks,

if you've seen my other thread, you might know that i'm in a bi-ha-ha-ha-t of a situation where i'm going to need to get my shit together and find work, quickly. Last night something that i've been working on clicked, and i've got a really good idea.

I'm a certified NLP (nero linguistic programmer) basically someone who can unpack and organize thought patterns. it's something i've studied for a while, but i'm only just now getting good at it.

What i'd like to do is take anyone with a great skill who wants to volunteer, unpack their strategy, and offer it up to the community. this will be fun for you, as you will probably get to become conscious of something that you enjoy doing, It'll be great for me, because i can learn what makes you awesome, and it'll be GREAT for the community, because we'll have a collection of psychological patterns for new artists.

I'll give you an example at the bottom of all this.

I'm looking for strategies for anything and everything that you do well. I'm really interested lately in

- any art strategies
- making money
- convincing management to give you a job
- any other interpersonal skills

tell me if you're interested! reply, pm me or Msn me at johnny_warner@hotmail.com -- i dont know how many responses i'll get, but so be it.

If i could get strategies from you awesome artists out there, like Kevin J, Per... too many of you to name... oh man that would be fantastic.

an example of a strategy

My modeling strategy.

i start with a good idea of something that i want to sculpt -- I get an internal image of what it is generally. as i imagine that image, i get a strong, good feeling. i then take that general idea, that image, and put it slightly off to one side. i then start constructing my model, which is a process (basically a series of steps) that i've learned over the years. (this is something that we could unpack, but there's lots of technique tutorials out there)

the steps that i go through to build the model unfold in levels of detail-- i get the broad shapes, then the medium detials, then i do fine detailing.

every time i do a step, and it's in line with the origional good feeling, the good feeling gets stronger. i feel like i'm doign well and getting closer to my goal -- i feel like each step is a fantastic success. i have pride in everything that i've done, and i use that feeling to generate excitement about just how awesome the model is eventually going to be - i do this with an internal image, but i dont get too far ahead of myself.. only the next few steps.

as i feel better about it, i start creating internal images of my friends all being impressed with what i'm doing, and giving me compliments.. telling me how awesome it is. i keep going.

this strategy allows me to learn quickly, because I can use a excellent model from one of you guys as a target, and then use this strategy to try and hit the mark. also, if i come up against a technical limitation of mine, i take time to learn that, get it done, and then continue on with the original strategy.

here's my problem -- I never finish my work. last night i got a good finishing strategy from my friend though.. i'm still putting this into words so sorry if it's psychobabble.

he goes into a mode that's less bottom-up creative, and more external-- he takes whats already THERE -- what he's just painted, for example.. externally, and just embraces it, explores it, fills it in, completes it... so instead of referencing some creative void to tell him what's next, he takes what IS and makes it clear.

I'm all about the void man.

tell me if you're interested!


  • ChaosEidolon
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    ChaosEidolon polycounter lvl 17
    Really really interesting concept. I think everyone that's serious about a skill has done some type of auto analysis like this, whether they realized it or not. Tutorials and technical manuals abound on the net, but this type of strategizing is significantly harder to teach, or maybe it's that no one has found a clear way of doing it. So there's your mission statement!

    I am going to have to give this some thought before giving any real thoughts on this, but I will say that I can share your friend's sentiments. In my experience, if you focus too much on end product and ego (ie friends' approval) you'll find yourself running out of steam very quickly, since the process often involves long stretches of problem solving that don't provide a quick fix visual to show off, but pay dividends in the long term. Ego boost is like a caffeine motivator. It helps for a little push now and then, but if you can't enjoy the hell out of the process then it will never carry you like a nice dish of meat and potatoes...not to get carried away with the food metaphor.

    Oh, and if you can somehow distill the brainjuice from a couple of the rockstars around here you'll have my buissiness. Cherry flavored if you could.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    I'd be afraid to see into Per's mind.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    there are a lot of persons in pers head

    btw.. my strategy: to push as hard as possible to get through the "the-model/texture-looks-like-shit"-phase.. and this phase lasts quite long (esp. regarding texturwork)

    if you can´t push yourself trough this "ugly"-hole, than i guess u don´t make art (..anymore)
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    my grandfather used to say, imagine you've finished something and it went perfectly.. now go backwards and imagine how you did it. approaching a challenge from the other end is sometimes a good technique

    and my music teacher used to say 'you can't edit nothing', which is to say put something down fast, and chop off all the rough edges until its smooth. no point trying to make the finished smooth thing to begin with, as there's fuck all chance of hitting the mark first time
  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    I see what you try to do here John Warner
    You wont fry my brain!
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    In my mind you will see..umm not that much ...
  • Filbot
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    Filbot polycounter lvl 12
    I'd be interested to gain insight to others strategies about all aspects of being creative with in the realm of game art. It has for sure been something have I been struggling with over the last couple of months since I graduated from college.

    Need to get Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger...
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I've looked into EQ's mind...there's a big penis in there.
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    I looked into his pants and found the same thing...wait...whhhaa?
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    wow only a few posts in and i can feel the gay vibes a flying!

    "Need to get Harder, Bigger, Faster, Stronger..." *fixed

    "I've looked into EQ's mind...there's a big penis in there."
  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    penis's are in the air lately, with a large battle and other smaller mini skirmishes breaking out everywhere its no wonder that people are tucking the fabric under their bulge to try and show a bigger presence.

    and I did sense that John is a lighting rod for this...

    haha but to get this thread back on track, I have something to add that is in my process while I work;

    I was recently making a ski-ball carnival game sculpt and was having a fantasy of encountering the object in real life after I had finished sculpting it. I was laughing as I sank my money into the real one. And as I grabbed that first ski-ball I thought to myself... "you dont even need to toss that ski-ball, for you have already won. hahahaha"

    Similar to your fantasy of telling people about your sculpts, I am having a fantasy where i stonewall the innatimate object in real life and laugh at how puny and easy its construction is.

    Ive had this before. I guess its just a fantasy that allows me to believe I can complete the construction even though im stumped a bit and surfing Polycount stalling... I think the fantasy appeases the same part of the brain as yours, i guess you are looking for something more high level... and not an anecdotal example of the same thing... well too bad, im not that smart, and besides.... oh wait, I get it now.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18

    okay here's my real strategy:
    when i make dicks (which is all i do really) i get a big, bright image of a dick, and then i go over it mentally with my tounge. as i feel every single bump and crevass, i take that information and i put it out in the art. i do this untill i get an intuitive sense that i've fully .... hmmm it's deep.. hang on.. lemme dig it up..

    "tasted the dick"

    then i know i'm done!

    Micro - very interesting. -- you seem to have a supreme confidence that you dominate. very interesting resource... so it's like.. confidence through certainty of.. simplicity of the thing in your focus, and your ability to totally own it. sounds great.

    that's exactly what i was looking for, fantastic. i guess my next question would be, when you feel confident, what do you do next, and then how do you know when you're done?

    ChaosEidolon- very interesting -- i'm finding the opposite thing lately .. i'm trying to take my large, 'big picture' intent into the small details, so i can feel good about them as i accomplish them one by one.. kinda like a fractal in that sense--- the whole is in every part.

    this is why we need the nutter artists to join this conversation and describe how they do things. common! i'd almost pay money! ... actually i probably would, come to think of it. we'll see if i get any responses first though..

    this is great -- rooster, rollin, that's great, that's the type of stuff i'm lookin for.
    rollin -- interesting.. for the beginning part, i just take satisfaction in the rough, low-poly form...

    rooster, that's brilliant, i'm going to take it in somewhere.

    actually, i do use something similar to that. when i have a target that i really really need to hit, i do that.. i look at some art, like bobo's, and say "shit i can do that no problem" -- in my head, i've already done it. it's already me. i dont even need to do it to prove myself, because i'm certain.. but then i just do it anyway cuz i want to take all the approval i get and make it manifest.

    man i'm an approval whore. oh well, fuck it. who gives a shit
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    I just got a beautiful strategy from a belly dancer friend of mine. she's very motherly and does all of what she does for love

    I suppose I start from a place of confidence - that I've been dancing a long time, and I know I can, so when I go out, I go out to shine, and I shine that on people to make them smile -- I look them in the face, I smile at them, I make hand gestures to indicate taking love from my heart and giving it to them, and I just kinda try to spread it around. and then I pull it in, and I do some small, intense super-skill stuff that's just for me, but I know I've hooked them already with all the smiling. then, I whirl around smiling at them again to finish. when I stop, and they cheer, I smile for me.

    it's all very satisfying

    John says:
    what if you were to give them all love, and take the love that they gave you
    John says:
    and amplify it.. then send it back

    that's pretty much what happens. the better a crowd is, the better the performance is

    we feed each other --- if I have a crappy audience, I get bored & I don't connect the same way

    That's what you call a healthy, blissful, give-and-take strategy. fantstic!!
  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    i guess my next question would be, when you feel confident, what do you do next, and then how do you know when you're done?

    I can answer the first part of the question and give you a cop out answer on the second half...

    1. When im confident that I will finish it in the way I described below, through fantasy, I can then move into uncomfortable territory and try things out of my comfort zone, I can do this because I have a feeling I will push through and finish it - from the confidence. So if I try something that doesnt work it wont get me down ect... just try something else, otherwise ill never be able to look at another skiball machine haha.

    2. how do I know when im done. gah, you are gonna hate this. Nothing is ever "done" it just becomes more and more acceptable and with diminishing return on work put in.... this answer is really ugly to me. its uncomfortable to think of it since I love closure....but when those 2 things balance I stop work. As of yet I have yet to finish anything or believe that I have finished it. There is always more things I could do to any piece... I am pretty new at this as well, so obviously that must be taken into account.

    Im interested in a veteran answering the same questions tho man. One who has all the answers!~
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    lol, never a truer word spoke by a norwegian
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    i make art to feel superior to others.
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