One of my quirrels of working with max vs xsi, is that everytime I need to access and objects say verts, im required to select and "move" down through modifer stacks thats above my editablePoly. If I exit say vertex mode, deselect and reselect object, im again at the top of the stack. Ofcause I could just make a editPoly modifer at the top, it just doesnt work very well having ex. turbosmooth underneath xD~
I know you can pin the stack, but then I cant deselect the obejct.
So, the Question <
How can I ensure that I'll enter at the same "point" in the stack from which I left?
:: Edit-
Since Im already busting for answers!
1) Is there any way to make max lock movement axis based on camara view? Much like the viewplanes in Modo, which allow alot of control even while moving in perspective view (I know you can lock em by click the gizmo, this would just be way faster).
2) Is it possible to slow down the speed at which you drag ex. a chamfer? Atm I either have to zoom in alot, or punch in the number manually.
one could write a maxscript where the stack position is stored in the object 'additional properties' ,- as soon as you reenter the object the script would search for that varaible in the additional properties and if found switch to the stack position that was stored.
What would scare me to write something like that are the events one would overwrite/ or acess (select object, leave object,...). But it should be very much possible.
I checked scriptspot and found this one:
2.) again proably through maxscript- I saw once a script that would lock to the initial move direction - which is somewhat similar.
3.) not sure but perhaps its influenced by the spinner speed in the general preferences
I've seen the "directional move" script aswell, wasnt sure, but maby I should give it a try.
Anyway, pinstack is gonna make my time in max alot more pleasant =D
Crazy Butcher authored a script that sets the direction of movement based on mouse movement, it might be what you're looking for?
Modo just disable/lock the angle youre viewing from (with the viewplane), which ofcause makes total sense.
Max doesnt even take this into account when switching viewports. If im locked at Z and switch to Top viewport, its still gonna try to move at Z (which it wont).
I know im sounding like a girly, but its stuff like this (and more) that just makes me soooo slow in max xD.
I think you're stuck clicking on the gizmo like the rest of us...