Hello everyone,
I've just discovered the PolyCount forums, and I have to say there is some really amazing and inspiring work here.
Anyway, to the point of my thread.
I'm making a custom Crysis map for my interactive Design class at uni. I was just wondering if you guys would be able to offer some constructive criticism on what I've done so far, so I can make improvements in certain areas of the map that need it. Any tips, or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the Help
There's not much to crit here tbh, two tiny islands connected by a wooden walkway/bridge with giant palm tree on one of them is a bit to little to crit. Pretty generic custom crysis map.
Try coming up with something more unique.
Either way, its quite sparse right now, and any fire fights would have players constantly in the open with no cover. Adding more land/vegetation should help that.
What kind of area do you want to show? There are tons of things you can aim for whithin the Crysis theme: a small outpost, an Radar or communication - Site, ...
I think you should really think about what purpose the area will have. If you got that clear then try to imagine how such an area would be constructed. Which kind of buildings are needed. Try to imagine which assets will be needed to fill the area and at the same time fit to the location. (A tank might be a bad idea.)
If someone is looking at your overall level it should be clear what purpose the area has AND that the level can fullfill it's intended purpose.
If you got all this information you can start to bring it all together. Always think of: What is the player supposed to see or to do at certain location.
If your target was to just create some tropical islands and throw the player right in the middle, you haven't accomplished this either, because then I'd ask you: Why are there outpost-buildings and a graveyard on an lonely tropical island. And whats the player supposed to do there? Having a sunbath?
I'm starting to conjure up some ideas, and develop something a little more concrete. I was thinking about making it a mission based map, where the player was required to rescue some hostages being held captive somewhere on the island. And I'll take out the grave yard, there's really no point to having it there.
Thanks again all, I'll keep you posted.
Here's an update on my Crysis Level assignment. As you can see I've added more to the level, put in more vegetation, and worked on the texture blending.
There's no AI or other NPC's at the moment, I'm mainly concentrating on the actual making of the islands, and getting them to look right. Let me know what you think, any suggestions and constructive crit is greatly appreciated.