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Legend of Zu: Garden of Agartha

Here is a new project that I'm starting. Project is a Atlantean Era story based on a mixture of Ancient Mythology.The garden has both the Tree of life and the Fountain of Youth. The garden is guarded by the Lion of Agartha (Agartha:Mythical Underground world) On the tree hangs the Ring of the God Zu. Im trying to keep the scene relatively low ploy and display various parts using Marmoset Toolbag. The concept art is my own and I'm attempting to do a exact copy..but Ill probably throw in extras when I see fit....... Alright I'm waiting for critiques and suggestions..Peace


  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    interesting mythology combination Oldkid - interesting to see how it turns out
    what is your visual basis on the fountain? maybe approach it with a more ancient mayan/inca art approach?

    ( i personally like the whole argartha - hollow earth myth)
  • OldKid
    Fountain finished, Inspired by Egyptian/Sumerian/MyImagination mix.

  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
    I dig it man. The concept itself is pretty bad ass. The fountain turned out very nice. To me, you could probably cut a few more polys out of the lower jaw area. It seems to consume a lot of polys compared to the rest of the fountain, since you want it to be lower poly. I think the texture turned out very well with this though. I am interested to see the rest done.

    In your concept there is a feline in the cave area. Is that a cave drawing of some sort or are you planning on having some animal in there?

    Overall good work so far. Hope to see more later on.
  • OldKid
    Yup the jaw is too much. Forgot to get rid of some of the needless geometry. If I cant get most of this done within this week, I'll get the Lion smack dab in the middle... Peace gonna sleep an hour get back to work. Fun
  • acapulco
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    acapulco polycounter lvl 9
    I really like the concept more than the outcome. You should check your proportions in the concept and in your mesh. The Mesh looks more tidied up than the concept. The tree and the ground where it is put on is bigger in the concept than in the mesh. I would spent an our or two to check your proportions and then go on.
  • OldKid
    Ha.. I see it... Thanx Where the tree stands the base is low and spread out, concept is pulled in and little higher. I'm sure other lil things I will catch. Models are too straight and I intend to lean in more toward the uneven rock look of the walls. Will fix.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    Mesh is too regular, funk it up like in the concept.

    also dont use black in your texture, and why are the edges of the fountain regular and low poly when the statue is so high try to make your poly distribution more even
  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    I like the texture work and runes inset a lot, the bottom of the bears jaw doesnt read to me at all. I had to look at the concept to find out that this was the bottom jaw actually. perhaps try to have the jaw one piece with the bears head if possible, then accent that with armored hood and jaw piece.
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    Hey Matt

    Conceptual story is cool and the concept drawing looks pretty solid. With the ruinous walls in the drawing, and the rather low poly jagged walls in your model, there's quite a big difference. I see you said you want to go lower poly, but I think you could afford to put a few more edges in the contours of your walls and around the main wall section of your fountain, just to give more visual interest.

    You've expended a lot of geometry in the facial features of your lion head that could probably be more well spent in giving an interesting silhouette to other parts of your model. Dropping a few of the tri's down in the face and making up for it with a solid normal (possibly sculpted in zbrush) would afford you more geo to work with.

    I personally would like to see more variation in the texture. It looks good and the materials look believable, but I think you could benefit by possibly hand painting in some highlight and shadow with dodge and burn (especially if you have CS4) just to make it look more dimensional and less flat. The texture at the bottom of the model could benefit greatly from some specific grunging (dirt from the floo, small chunks of mud caked on, even small pieces of rubble rock cracking off... vines beginning to grow) anyway, more details to help us understand how old this object is besides the 3 large cracks. The materials themselves look great though, just tell more story in it now.

    Great start so far, I think you could get this finished before GDC and have another piece to take with you man! Good luck keep posting :P
  • OldKid
    I'm not really done with this piece yet...Adam its 4 cracks not three. I thank you for the suggestions and am aware the lions (Not bear? But i see that it does look like a bear and will change that) jaw does not read well. The entire scene will be covered with more plants and vines, making it alot more interesting. Alright back to work..
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    righteous! it's off to a strong start here, anxious to see it done!
  • OldKid
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    looks much cooler man!! ya! liking the textures a lot more
  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
    Nice dude. Good progress. Keep up the good work.

  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13

    But what's up with the smoothing around the caves? is that intended?

    Anyways I really like it.

    keep it up
  • OldKid
    Smoothing of caves is not intended, most of it is just place holder.
  • OldKid
    Looks pretty cool I think.... not done yet. Making the vines adding small details and different plants, back wall needs work. Give me critique. Pretty tired, I'm sure I missed something.

  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
    Looks good dude. Turned out very nice. I like the color of the grass areas.

    YES!!!! I've been staring back and forth at your concept and your render. I finally figured out what your missing.

    The Ring of the God Zu on the tree branch!

    Score! :nerd:
  • OldKid
    Yup and the leaves, damn haha
  • OldKid
  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
    Your the man!!! Nice addition with the vines.

    Spot on. Lighting turned a lot better as well.

    Very nice piece overall.
  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13
    It tourned out really great, I like the green of the grass very much, nice style, close to the concept.

    Great work.
  • se7ered
    i'm not digging the tree for a couple reasons...1) the roots should have definition further up in the trunk and 2) the area where the tree is broken off should be more angled overall and more rigid on the edges...and there should be more groves in the bark...the whole tree is too smooth...check your concept
  • OldKid
    Well here we go. Done as Im gonna get for now and Im off to GDC. Put these new images on my website, be sure to check it out. Peace


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