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Ludicrous - A 2.5D Multiplayer Shooter - Seeking Level Artists

Hi Guys,

I would like to introduce a new game, called: Ludicrous. It's a 2D Mulitplayer-Shooter with 3D Graphics playing in the near future. Cyborgs have taken the world domination and mankind must fight them.

The game will be free to play.

Here are few Screenshots of the current state:


I had this idea for this game about a year ago, when I stumpled over the good old Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project. I played it for a while and it was a lot of fun, therefore I thought it would be much more fun to have a multiplayer. This was the day, when Ludicrous was born.

Actually, the game is in a pretty stable stadium. You can already play without problems in the local network. Next month, there will I'll get a dedicated internet server, so that I can finally begin to optimize the Internet play.

And there's already lots of stuff in it, like Characters and Weapons and Mods (like team deathmatch or capture the flag). But the most important part is missing: Levels. And this is the reason why I'm posting here.

I'm searching some talanted level designers, who want to contribute to the game and help to create great looking and funny maps. The technique behind the game is the C4 Engine from Terathon Software (I guess some people here know about it). Therefore, you can use your model program of choice to make the levels and get a high level of visual quality.

So, I hope I have posted the most important parts here. If you have more questions or want to help, feel free to ask or send me a mail: info@ludicrous.eu.

Just some info about me: My name is Marko Ludolph, from Germany, I am 25 years old, have a Diploma in Computer Science and work as IT-Freelancer. I put all my free time into this to get it done.

Thanks for your patience


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