Hey guys. I´ve been working on this scene for the G-A.net competition. It´s far from finished but I could use some good crits/suggestions already.

Latest WIP:

This is the first time I´m using the Unreal 3 editor and love it so far. I was wondering if it has any color correction tools like in Source Engine? It would be quite handy to tweak the lighting. I did a quick google search and couldn´t find anything.
Feel free to crit

no crits so far from me, looking forward to next shot
That´s exactly what I need, thanks a lot
i did quite alot of film matching at my last place and you have to remember that their lighting wont obey the rules of the real world so jazz it up with a few fakies here and there
edit- also make the floor texture quite dark and rely more on spec and ref maps to do the work, a cube map on some alpha'd plane puddles will look ace
@vj_box: Agreed. I have decals on my to-do list.
@DaarK: I have that game and despite it being so bad the environment art in it amazing for a PS2 title. The bar in the game is slightly different from the bar in the movie though, but it serves as great inspiration specially for the lighting.
@Mechadus: Agreed. My only concern about this scene is that I probably won´t have enough time to model vehicles because the deadline is March 29th. I was thinking of modeling 3 different cars if I have the time but unfortunately they are last in my priority list. I´d rather have a complete and polished environment without cars than a half arsed environment with some nice cars
@Shepeiro: Nice idea, making the diffuse darker will help the spec map pop out I guess. I still need to figure out how to use cubemaped reflections in UE3. My original idea was to have a few water puddles decals here and there to break up the monotony but I haven´t touched on that yet.
I hate it how my spec maps never look as good in the scene as they do in the real time preview. I suspect ambient light is kind of killing my specular maps so I´ll do a few tests without it tonight.
I decided to take a dramatic decision and go with unique textures for the main building. I also added my own twist to it. I still need to do normals and speculars but I´ll leave that for later. Enjoy:
(This is a max screengrab, some materials in this scene are placeholder e.g. the neon materials)
Good question, I can´t figure it out either. I also can´t figure out what´s inside those neon boxes. Looks like an stripper statue but since I suck a deal at organic modeling I was thinking of using music posters instead... Anyone have any clues?
That would look extremely cool next to the strippers statue
Yeah I did that. I only included a few of them on the moodboard though.
The point is... I couldn´t find any scenes on the film that showed the side part of the bar. It´s only shown the front, entrance and the back. I also did some research on the filming location and it happens that the place was demolished after the shootings ended. IF someone happens to have the Special Edition DVD (I couldn´t find it anywhere) with the making of and have any better screens of the placeI´d be more than glad to see them
I´ll hopefully finish the back part tonight so I can finally start modeling props!
I haven´t been able to get much work done lately as I´ve been feeling some terrible pains on my lower back which really drag me away from the computer whenever I´m home. Anyways I´m feeling kinda better now and since the deadline was extended I thought Id give this scene another push.
I actually used some occlusion pass on the bar originally but it made my textures kinda dull. I'll try it again with a lower opacity.