Hey so I starting using maya 2009 at home and quickly realized I can no longer hit w to reset the move tool if I have constrained it to an access. Fucking pisses me off. For example, in 2008 I would select a cube, middle mouse drag and it would not be constrained to anything, then if I dragged on one access it would constrain move, to reset the constrain I used to be able to just hit w again this no longer works anyone know if this is a setting or something? Right now my work around is switch tools completely then switch back.
You use MMB3 that often for move operations? Why not LMB on the correct axis instead?
Thing is that Maya probably doesn't treat hitting "W" as change tool when you already have the move tool. I think I'd actually call this a feature. You could add an extra "Q" in there right before "W", that would make you go from Move Tool -> Select Tool -> Move Tool (selected axis reset).
Not really a fix or nothing, but do you know you can use shift + MMB for constraining the movement by just dragging the objects in that direction. Don't think it can be used to un-constratint though....
I might be misunderstanding your problem, as I use 2k8, but if you ctrl-LMB the square in the center of the manipulator, it will reset any axis constraint currently on the tool.
Problem is I use shift middle mouse to constrain to an axis, then to reset the axis to x y z with no constraint in 2008 I could just hit w, in 2009 I have to hit q then hit w. Gayness.
Problem is I use shift middle mouse to constrain to an axis, then to reset the axis to x y z with no constraint in 2008 I could just hit w, in 2009 I have to hit q then hit w. Gayness.
hitting two hotkeys instead of one could add up I imagine, if you leverage mmb constrain often. That sounds horrible! and a real burden on yer creativity which craves unhindered immediacy/interactivity.
For a 1 key solution use the "~" key instead of the "w" key
problem solved... please send me money, loose wimmen or other fine things. :poly124:
Thing is that Maya probably doesn't treat hitting "W" as change tool when you already have the move tool. I think I'd actually call this a feature. You could add an extra "Q" in there right before "W", that would make you go from Move Tool -> Select Tool -> Move Tool (selected axis reset).
Seems kind of akward though.
Not really a fix or nothing, but do you know you can use shift + MMB for constraining the movement by just dragging the objects in that direction. Don't think it can be used to un-constratint though....
hitting two hotkeys instead of one could add up I imagine, if you leverage mmb constrain often. That sounds horrible! and a real burden on yer creativity which craves unhindered immediacy/interactivity.
For a 1 key solution use the "~" key instead of the "w" key
problem solved... please send me money, loose wimmen or other fine things. :poly124: