Hey Guys
Im in the process of making this Space Wolves Cathedral from Warhammer 40,000 and wanted to get some critiques before i went further
Not completely finished and haven't put in lighting, the shading you see is baked in ambient occlusion.
im going to add a wolf pelt to break up the modularity of the chair and steps, and im in the process of making a torch, held by a chain, between the pillars to the left and right of the throne
im trying to figure out a way to make stained glass windows in Unreal editor
the throne renders are taken in unreal editor
as usual, all comments and critiques are greatly appreciated
Also the throne looks way to small compared to the rest of the environment. I haven't see whatever concept your working off of. But yeah, pretty much just keep adding more!:thumbup:
Eagle alpha on the floor looks a bit to photoshop brusy. Change up your noise brushes a bit, that should help.
Otherwise looking good. Just work on filling up the space.
Oh and, Death to the Space Wolves >.>
And the Craftworlds will stand and watch as your puny Imperium crumbles under its own weight.
Looking forward to see how this turns out.
I'd also recommend for metal, putting most of your detail into the spec, this is what Earthquake does and his stuff looks sweet. I did a quick test, mostly for my own amusement because I'm still working with "last gen" tech all the time.
Don't mind the sloppyness
Try putting random splats of Purply pinks and saturated blues and crank the contrast, and you get fun results.
From the DA crest i did a while ago, more of a bronze then gold but same concept. (sorry for the size)
Keep it up!
- BoBo
I agree, the metal is wrong, its colors are too vibrant in the diffuse map. im fixing that right now.
great suggestion for the wolves head for the supports, ill get working on that soon. it'll tie in with the space wolves theme even more.
Reich and Mark N.
the floor is pretty sloppy, ill work on cleaning it up and making the tiling more subtle like you suggested. I was trying to go for a slightly destroyed tile but I went way overboard.
I would suggest throwing some tattered war banners with the insignia on them and portraits of the past hero's like Bjorn, and the different companies directly on the walls with that huge empty spot. I think this will not only add more visual interest, but also integrate some of the lore and history which is usually prevalent in a cathedral.
ive been working feerishly over this, particularly on the textures. my main thing now is getting the lighting done in UE3 and making a good glass shader for the windows
this is my work in progress, wanted to get it critiqued before i went further
anyone know way to make a nice glass shader in Ue3?
critiques and comments are always welcome
The window textures look cheap - they dont connect at all with the rest- give it at least some minimal dirt at the edges so it fits more in the frame of the window- also maybe try to increase the resolution there.
c and c welcome