Brief description:
I am a 23 year old PhD student from the UK who is currently making a space combat game in my spare time along the same lines as I-War 2 and X-Wing vs TIE fighter. I love space combat games and I feel that support for the genre has dropped off recently, so I wanted to make something with updated graphics and better cross platform support.
I have been working on this game for a couple of months now and it is at a stage where I need to start getting some artwork together, which is why I am posting here for some help. The game is going to be freely released, open source and available to multiple operating systems.
As the project is deliberately being kept quite small, and it is still quite early in development, there is still quite a lot of scope for your input into how the game will play. I want to make the game as good as I possibly can, and as a result I value feedback and ideas from anyone willing to give them.
Target aim:
Open Source & Freeware.
The project is Open Source and driven by a love of making games. As a result there will be no compensation other than the prestige of a fairly decent (hopefully) completed game to add to your portfolio.
The project is currently in development for Linux and Windows operating systems. Mac is definitely a possibility for the future (and fairly trivial to port using the current structure), but I have no Mac to develop and test on. I develop actively on Linux and test thoroughly on windows after each new feature goes in.
The game is being written in C++ by me, using SDL for cross platform low level stuff and OpenGL for graphics. 3D artwork can be created using a tool of your choice, as long as it can be exported to the ".obj" format. XML (libxml2) is being used for most configuration scripts. The rest of the game & engine is under development by me.
Talent needed:
- Firstly, I require a concept artist in order to get a visual style down for the game. Concepts will be required for each space ship / space station and also 2D interfaces such as the cockpit heads up display and the main menu (which I already have a couple of ideas for).
- I also require one or two artists to work on making 3D models for the game. Most modelling will be space ships and space stations, although I also need some ship interiors to be modelled. I require that the 3D artists are also able to UV unwrap and texture any model that they create.
Team structure:
James Sharam (Me) - Lead programmer, Project manager.
I haven't put together a website for this project yet, but as it becomes more complete I will definitely put one up. I run a home server which means we can have a central place to store development files and run web sites from.
james DOT sharam AT googlemail DOT com
Previous Work by Team:
I have worked on a number of projects run by other people, most of which failed due to a lack of committment from various members. Notable large scale projects that I have worked on include:
"The Divine" - A space combat game.
Link to some info.
"Doom 3 Jedi" - A multiplayer mod for doom 3 (which transitioned to quake 4).
Link to some info.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I look forward to hearing from interested people.
ps. I also do some concept but am more geared for 3d work.