Not sure if this should be here or in P&P, but our first iPhone game has just been released! It is a port of an earlier freeware open source game that
Wolfire made for a Mac game competition in 2002. Since then it has gained a lot of fans and has also been ported to Linux and Windows. Here you can check out the
free versions (Note: These versions have no tutorial, but 'e' puts you into bullet time-- check the readme for other non-standard controls)
This image links to the app store:
It is not the best game in the world, but I think it has more depth than a lot of iPhone games and is worth the 99 cents
I worked on the level icons and button icons for this new version.
There's a learning curve but once you get the hang of it, it's a cool game. 3D shooter on iphone FTW!!!
one crit tho:
the tag line should be "More responsive controls than KillZone 2. Better story than the Bible."
Curious...seems like the original intentionally had no textures, so I assume
they were absent for this version to keep consistency...would they have killed
performance much if you'd added them? (at what resolution would they be 'reasonable'?)
Just wondering how limiting dev is for iPhone 'full-blown-FPS-ish' games.
e.g brothers in arms
very good site about iphone gaming
but I like the simple style you guys have
another question for ya, Ninjas...did u guys use Unity for the dev, or
program it with your own tools?