...remakes like this
http://kotaku.com/5164152/a-boy-and-his-blob-and-their-screenshots are golden. I love the art direction they took with this title. I never had a chance to play the original game, but I remember the name as clear as day. It is nice to see developers "trying" on the Wii. (Crossing fingers for MH3 tri North American release date).
and i did have a great time with the re4 wii-make and okami !
Anyways, ya I can't wait for this. I never could get my parents to buy me a "Boy and his Blob" back in the day, so it'll be fun to finally get a chance to play it.
I'm not a fanboy but I don't think the Nintendo is struggling to keep the Wii viable, if anything they are struggling to find room for huge sacks of money.
However the style bugs me a little bit. I don't know, sometimes it feels like it works and others it feels very disjointed. The backgrounds are gorgeous, but the characters just feel out of place sometimes.
I wonder if they could have used some fancy shaders to get the characters to feel more painterly like the backgrounds, or if they should have just kept the backgrounds a little simpler sometimes.
Also some elements like the spikes in this image ( http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/kotaku/2009/03/boyblobscreens.jpg ) just don't feel like they connect to the ground. This is likely because its a reuseable asset and isn't utilizing the same color palette but it feels a bit weird....
The game on the other hand was one of the most frustrating experiences of my 7 year old life! I remember feeling so ripped off when I had saved all of my pocket money and birthday money to buy a brand new NES cartridge, choosing this from the shop, getting it home and being totally unable to get past the first 10 or so screens. Even when I eventually got a walkthrough in C+VG magazine I still couldn't get anywhere.
Looks like its a full sequel though so hopefully they will have toned down the difficulty - I am worse at games now than I ever was then!