I know I can change the opacity of my brush by hitting the number keys, which is great, but i'm looking for a way i can change opacity up and down about 10% with 2 single keys, like using [ and ] for changing brush size. Anyone know of a way to do this? I want to do it so i can bind it to stuff like my xbox controller thumbstick or stuff like that!
edit: Well hell, Photoshop doesn't even list opacity, or show that it has keys bound to it.
They can get some kind of half ass 3D paint package going and they can link brush hardness to a KB shortcut, but they can't link opacity to a keyboard shortcut or a touch strip... All you ever hear is "just use the num keys". Not funny adobe, not funny at all.
I don't ever remember my opacity setting and I shouldn't have to look it up when I want a little more or less. grrr...
so you could create the hard edged brush and a soft edged airbrush right under that.
medestruit & vig: thanks, seems like it's not possible then
its under
brush settings > other dynamics > Opacity Jitter > Control : Pen pressure
after that it has more this openCanvas feel wich smears somewhat better the stroke
edit: unless I'm reading your post the wrong way? I had a look around, but couldn't find a way to bind a shortcut to these settings.
Aaaalso, Ryno, on top of what Peris said, check out tool presets.
Now before you say "oh see they did bind it to keys" it doesn't work like [ ] for incremental brush size. The num keys will only adjust the opacity to a level not nudge it up or down. Example: you want 55% you punch in 55% want a little more you dial in 6 for 60%. All this is great if you're constantly remembering your opacity setting and doing a little guestmate math as you go. I might as well use the slider since I have to take my eyes off what I'm doing to first find out the opacity then adjust it. The point of KB shortcuts like this is to keep my pen where I need it, not off hunting in menus or adjusting sliders.
I also use pen pressure to control a lot of other things besides opacity.
On some brushes I use pen pressure to control things like brush size. That way I can vary my line thickness without having it disappear. Works great for doing line art.
On some brushes I use it to control jitters like angle, or color shifting, like on a grass or moss brush. There's a reason pen pressure can be selected for many more things in the brush settings besides opacity. And for the times that I don't have pen pressure set to opacity I need another quick way to handle it. It's a pretty basic thing they could have set up but they never have.
Peris, if you ever find a script or another work around PLEASE post it here!
CS2? I'm not getting that to work as , and . aren't doing anything. Am I missing something here?