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Some music

polycounter lvl 18
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MoP polycounter lvl 18
So this February, I decided to join FAWM, or "February Album-Writing Month". The aim was to write 14 tracks in 28 days.

Most of the stuff on that site is singer/songwriters, and there's actually a lot of cool music on there, especially considering how fast it was done.

I am by no means a singer, and terrible at writing lyrics, but I can play guitar/bass/drums (although I don't have a bass or a drum kit here so I had to sample/sequence all of mine). As a result all my tracks are instrumentals.

Most of them were written and recorded in an evening, sometimes two nights for the longer (often better) ones. The fastest was done in maybe two hours.

I only managed to finish 7 tracks. I had originally teamed up with a friend who lives in Finland now, but he has been too busy throughout February to do much other than help with feedback on my tracks and fix/improve/edit some of the mixes.

You can find all my tracks here:

There's a few different styles of music there, I'd hope it's at least a little diverse and interesting, something for everyone.



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