Hey guys!
I work over at Gentle Giant Studios and work on scan data all day. I know when I was in school I was looking everywhere to get my hands on good data for reference and random mesh transfers. I asked my boss today if he was interested in putting out a DVD or making some downloadable content geared towards gamers -- hands, faces, bodies and random objects. Does this sound like something people would want to buy or use? What kind of stuff would you like to see? Any input is appreciated!
smaller holes back then because of bad calibration, bigger holes because of the missing second cam
automatic reconstruction with meshlab is crazy cool o.o :
and a newer scan of a sweaters arm
scans are getting better with each scan, learned a lot about all that stuff, need to get it production ready though, maybe it can save me some time when doing cloth for generic characters
but to stay on topic, yes guess there is a market if its easy to work with data
@rapture: what system are you guys scanning with? It's better then my selfmade scanner for sure, just curios
same question for slum
fine details like pores or wrinkles and the like are not the time consuming part to create manually or 'crazybump' afterwards and they also don't sell the model, especiall for output into games.
and lastly it's just way easier to work with light scans than geometry-heavy monsters with bazillions of polys.
Neox's scans are a decent example of the resolution we generally provide ... maybe a little more dense depending on the object. We also fill the holes with proprietary software and smooth the seams in ZBrush so the scans are water tight.
Looks like we got a pretty positive response so I am going to see if I can push forward on this project and maybe get you guys some freebies Thanks for the response!
looking forwarrd to the samples