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Ruffian Games - Scotland - Animator + Env + VFX artists needed

Hello from Ruffian Games :)

First let us introduce oursleves, we're a newish game developer built around an extremely strong core team who have a slate of great titles under their belt, We just want to make great games are looking for a few more people to join us.


We're based Scotland and are looking for new recruits to join our team. We're working on a great title with one of the world's strongest publishers which is due for announcement some time this year.

Our recruitment drive has been going pretty well and we have managed to get some great people onboard. We do still have a few spots open, so I thought it’d be worth putting them up on here to see if anyone is interested.

Our aim is to try and build on that core of excellence with new recruits also committed to making great games in a highly productive team. Well, I’m sure all companies start out with that goal but we seem to be doing okay so far.

Anyway less of the blurb and here’s the art positions we currently on offer.

  • 2 x Environment artists
  • 1 x Animator
  • 1 x Visual FX artist

As well as art there are some vaccancies in other disciplines which I thought I'd include in case you new of people who may be interested.

  • 1 x Senior AI / Gameplay engineer
  • 2 x AI / Gameplay engineers
  • 2 x Junior AI / Gameplay engineers
  • Mission Designer
  • Game Direction & Gameplay Setup Designer
  • Designer - Gameplay Events & Mini Games Designer
  • Multiplayer Designer

More details here: http://www.ruffiangames.com/careers

Thanks in advance :)
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