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I have OFFICIALLY given up on Vista (rant)

This is my rant ... my rant about how Vista has screwed me over for the last time. (this is going to be very long)

I'm a game art student at Fort Lauderdale ... so I am heavily dependent on my desktop PC to function properly and most efficiently. SO when I got my new bitching awesome computer, I figured I should use vista since, ya know, I had a beast of a machine that could run it.

Needless to say I had my issues and problems, but tonight ... tonight was the last straw.

I have a midterm to turn in tomorrow. Really simple and easy midterm. Make a level in unreal 2004 using its editor. I had to load 10 static meshes created by myself, including the textures, add some emitters, one single mover, a skybox ... All very simple, just tedious.

Last night, Saturday.

After working for about an hour, my computer starts giving me shit again. It’s been acting up for quite some time and I haven't been able to fix the problem effectively. So I figured I’ll give my hard drivesssSSSSS a good formatting, deleting any software related problems it may have, and install a fresh copy of vista.

SO, 1st problem

Vista wasn't letting me format my storage hard drive. I found this to be very odd. I went online and did a few searches and it appears to have happened to other people before but they couldn't figure it out neither. Well lucky me, I have a docking station for sata hard drives. I pulled that sucker out, formatted it (which took a long time) on my laptop and then I popped that baby back in to my pc.

2nd problem

with my clean storage drive in there, I turn my computer on, still running windows vista on the main hard drive. Once I get to my desktop, I want to install a fresh copy on the empty drive.
not letting me
go into bios, boot priority cd-rom
not letting me
I’m thinking it’s a hardware issue now. I test my stuff out, it all checks out. I run some more test, nothing.
I get desperate, it’s getting late and I have a midterm to work on. So I install window XP. Now my better judgment said to me "Oh stay with xp and do your work. Worry about Vista later." ... but no ... I didn't do that.

Once xp was installed which took its sweet ass time (40 mins? an hour? I dunno) I install vista! woohoo

3rd and final problem.

Awesome, vista is finally installed, taking advantage of those 8 gigs and direct 10x! Great ... lets install the software I need. But, before I do that, let’s remove that one hard drive with windows XP in it.
Once that is removed, I go to turn on my abused computer with dirty, mindless things inside of it (damn you vista).

What this! It’s not turning on ... missing bootmngr? wtf!?!

I popped in the HD with XP, and it booted ... weird...
I had no time to waste since my Midterm is due tomorrow and I have most of my work completed, so I moved on …
I installed my programs, max and unreal, went to work, and now then came time to texture!
let me install Photoshop.

pop in the 1st cd ... before its even half way done … computer crashed … ok … Lets turn this back on.

Pop in the cd again … crashed … wtf!!!

So, I turn the computer off … I proceed to test the hard drive again, run memtest again, the usually troubleshooting I do … nothing.
Well ok … found nothing wrong, maybe it’s the cd that’s scratched … yeah that’s it. Let me just turn my computer on AGAIN and check the cd.
As I pull out the cd, I notice something … the pc isn’t booting up … it’s not booting … ITS NOT BOOTING!!!!!!!

I start moving the hard drives around, using different sata slots, running viral scans using my laptop and the sata docking station … nothing. I reconnected them … nothing, absolutely nothing.
Well shit … let me pull off the work I have done so far and finish it at school tomorrow. Yeah … that’s smart, I just need a few more things … yeah … no problem, easy as pie …
I grab my files … I run them with my laptop which can barely run 3ds max without it lagging.
Files … corrupted …
NO! well at least I have my stage all setup up right … I can just model something up really quick and turned that in …
After 2 days of trying to get this to work … it ended in failure.

That was it … the last straw … after a year’s worth of vista, I can’t take it anymore … the night before my midterm and it just crapped out on me … who does that, why has god forsaken me? Is he trying to teach me a lesson? You suck at lesson teaching Jebus!!!

Starting From Tonight, I DENOUNCE VISTA. I shall never use that garbage of Satan’s software ever again!
Luckily for me, I still have some of my work in another drive … unfortunately, it’s about ¼ of the work I got done from today’s effort.
Vista ... I hate you


  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Invest in a diary.
  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    guys, its official now!!!!!
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    sounds to me like you fixed it and kept fixing it until it was well and truly broken.

    Although I found vista to be slow and shit, your problem might be just "popping the drives out" and generally giving your machine a hard time, not vista.

    XP installed on my machine in under 7 minutes. Gotta love parallels (yes I had to get that nugget in there)
  • Nilium
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    Nilium polycounter lvl 18
    This man is the number 1 authority on Vista, you best listen to him, [slingblade]mmHMMM[/slingblade].

    I honestly never had any trouble with Vista, though (granted I'm no longer using it, but I have my reasons [praise be to Apple :femme:]). It ran pretty damn well, it had a nice start menu (love that search thing), and it did everything exactly what I expected it to do: act like Windows. Job well done, product delivered, it's Windows XP + pretty and a few features. Hell, it even worked nicely on my laptop, so I was happy.

    Anyhow, the missing bootmgr thing is due to you installing XP on one drive, where that is your primary drive with the boot loader on it, and installing Vista on another. The boot loader isn't going to change drives, so you should have just kept the XP drive in. This is not Vista trying to cause trouble, this is how that shit has worked for a very long time.

    The file corruption is more likely due to you continually fucking with your drives as well- not Vista's fault, as this would happen with any OS. Unless you specifically unmounted the devices and such before pulling them out, you were risking data loss.
  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13
    So you know that vista has a completely different bootmanager then xp, right?

    Either you killed the vista bootmanager somehow, or you did something wrong while installing xp.

    And seriously, if you got problems getting your copy of vista to boot from the dvd
    you did something extremely wrong Oo.
  • RawRanator
    i was alrdy having problems with my older version of vista. I kept getting red streaks on my screens, computer would lock up and monitors would go blank. that was already giving me stress and whatever i was working on would get corrupted, so i would have to go back to my previous saved files.

    i never had a problem when running windows xp64 ... and with vista, i always had something going wrong or weird or just plain sucking.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    i'm currently having a motherload of fuck with vista myself.
    recently the vista installer has been quitting on me halfway through installs, and uninstalls.
    also my scanners VISTA driver all of a sudden crapped out on me, so now i can't scan reference from my military books and scale models. max runs slow as shit, photoshop brush strokes stutter when i draw too quickly, the photoshop screen goes blank when i export to DDS, and sometimes vista wrestles with me for admin control.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    call in an airstrike or some arty ?
  • Talbot
    I don't really have any issues with vista. Every now and then I think of going back to xp... but then I think of all of those icons and sounds that I had to deal with for so long. I know I can change them... but that requires effort. :P

    I think Windows 7 is going to be pretty sweet.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    AFAIK red streaks are a hardware problem; it's either the video card, the cable, or the monitor
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Raw...every problem you described seems to be a hardware issue, and not a software one. Durrrr...
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    For the life of me, I can't understand why people decide to fuck with their OS when they have a big project due. It never comes out well.

    I don't know why you were having an issue formatting the drive with Vista, but since I didn't have that experience in Vista, I'm not sure what to say there. Beyond that, it sounds like you were dropping OS's on different drives. Your bootloader was placed on the drive that had XP, so when you took out that drive, the system lost it's bootloader (thus the bootmgr error). You should be able to take out your XP drive and run a bootmgr repair (google it for Vista).

    The real problem here is you have an obvious hardware issue and you blamed the OS for it. Even if you run XP full time, I bet you'll continue having hardware issues. I'll go even further to bet that you have a capacitor blown on your video card or motherboard. It's easy to check, because the top will be split (even if there's the slightest split).

    That all being said, I am not a big fan of Vista. I run Vista on my desktop, but I don't think it's worth fighting to keep on your computer. The problem is, it sounds like you have memory that will be a waste in XP. Wait for Windows 7. It's getting great reviews so far and is very nicely optimized. Unfortunately, you can't have it now ;)
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    notman wrote: »
    For the life of me, I can't understand why people decide to fuck with their OS when they have a big project due. It never comes out well.

    Its called procrastination.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    yah I've never had any problems with it... I've had friends complain about it, and I offer to come check it out and see if I can fix their problems, and nine times out of ten it's something they did to fuck up the OS. It's so easy to blame MS.

    I nuked out all the vista flim-flam when I first got it, but I didn't do any really hardcore tweaking. Basically now it feels like win2kpro that can use my quadcore and manage resources better.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I couldn't read that whole post.

    But, vista seems to work just fine for me and the entire studio. Also works fine at home with no issues. In fact, I've had considerably less problems in vista compared to XP, by far.
  • TWilson
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    yay windows 7!
    and it has the multi-touch screen supports too!
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    I've heard from reliable sources that Vista eats babies too. Why would you install an OS that eats babies, that's just sick! :p

    But really, it sounds like hardware (probably hard drive) issues.
  • Cybroxide
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    Cybroxide polycounter lvl 17
    Vista hates my wacom tablet/drivers with a passion and requires me to perform a ritual before starting photoshop. Other than that it hasn't been too much of a problem lately. I agree with polyhertz on this, it does sound like a hardware issue.
  • Elhrrah
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    Elhrrah polycounter lvl 8
    I've got a beta of Windows 7 on my second HDD, and so far it has been pretty smooth. The two things that I have noticed in some basic poking, is that its tablet support chews up a tad too much on the processing end, and that apophysis render times are all over the board.
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13

    I'm pretty sure this happens to everyone at some point during school. Just take it as a sobering wake up call that you need to have redundant backups, especially of important shit.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    RawRanator wrote: »
    I kept getting red streaks on my screens, computer would lock up and monitors would go blank. that was already giving me stress and whatever i was working on would get corrupted, so i would have to go back to my previous saved files.

    Do you emit static electricity? Do monitors flicker as you walk past? dogs chase you down the street?

    this might be a case for Fox Mulder.
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    lol win7
    killed my xp64 after half a year without any crash
    since then everytime i start my computer the screen turns on and of about 4 times, after the windows runs correctly

    but tips on vista: its a bitch so use it like a bitch, any tweak makes it unstable so keep it with all your trash lol
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    One piece of software people should not live without:


    Image that badboy clean install... and the next time you have OS trouble... bam.. half hour format and restore image and you're up and running again.
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    if i can get vista and ubuntu to boot form 2 seperate drives, this is no problem. what you need to do is get some multiboot software and tell the 2 boot managers to play nice together, spend less time moving hdds around, less time crying about vista, and more time doing things right, and knowing how to boot 2 different os's from different hdd's before you do it, and +1 to the acronis, its a life saver
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