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animation critiques please

I am an animation student and I would like some critiques on my work. I have already received some, but I would like to have more to make these pieces better.

Thank you.



  • Mezz
    Offline / Send Message
    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Hey there!

    First anim: I appreciate the apology for not looping it longer, but I think you need to re-export it with a longer loop cycle. Right now, I find it difficult to get a proper idea of the flow of the anim as short as it is and therefore can't quite critique it.

    Second Anim: Overall looking good. It could use some more overlapping action, and it looks like the shoulder area and hip area are rotating the same way--they have to be shifting opposite directions of each other.

    Third: Cute anim. My only problem with it is the arms--the lower half is moving ok, but the upper part of the arms are so stiff it looks a little weird. You also might want to try delaying the movement on the arms back a couple frames.

    Lip sync: First of all, in lip syncs animations, a big part of what people are looking at is to see if the mouth positions are following the words and emtions well--unfortunately, we can't really see much of that at all in this one. As well, the acting seems weak. Stand up and try acting it out yourself. Would you stand stifly and move nothing but your arms, or would you be shifting your weight, shifting a leg? Would you tilt your head a certain way to emphasize a word? These are all things to think through. Yes, the more acting, the more work, but believable acting cannot be overlooked if you wanna become a great animator.

    Hope some of these points were helpful--keep practicing, you've got some good stuff going on.
  • flow3d
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    flow3d polycounter lvl 18
    IK Blend = 0

    then we'll talk
  • BuCC
    Hey. I know far too little about animation to give you any feedback, but here's how you make your videos loop:

    <embed src="http://blablablafileheading.type&quot; width="320" height="280" loop="true" autoplay="false">
  • Tad Ghostal
    Offline / Send Message
    Tad Ghostal polycounter lvl 8
    If you can upload Quicktimes so people can scroll back and forth, that'd be good too.
  • zarlus8
    They are Quicktimes, it's just that Blogger has it's encoding as a default.
    Thank you for the feedback so far.
  • Andreas
    Offline / Send Message
    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Firstly I suggest you google '12 principles of animation'.

    Secondly there is no overlap or follow through in either of these examples.

    In the dog walk, there is lots moving but nothing that looks like it's being moved by force, like weight or gravity.
  • VikingJim
    followthrough and overlap!

    instead of going from pose to pose, think more about how the character is shifting their weight around. Yes, they are doing an action, but they are still affected by gravity, their own weight, as well as the world around them. here is an example i did for heavy lift.
    squash 'n stretch you know wha-am-sayeen?
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