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Digital SketchBook <Sidikian>

First off I'd like to thank everyone in advance for both checking out my work and for your constructive critisicism on my work.

I'm hoping to learn more on how I can advance my technique with your constructive critisicism so yes please crit me.

Due to lack of funds I'm a Blender 3D artist all the way, alteast for now.

My skill level is probably nearer towards the bottom as I've just really tried to get focused on learning 3D modeling not long ago.

What got me inspired to try 3D modeling was the idea of being able to one day make my own game. See I played this game called Tribes 2 a few years back and started to get into modifiying the game and ever since then I feel the need to tear things apart to see how they work.

And as it turned out, the guys that were involved with the T2 engine went off and made game engines that where indie priced. So I bought a license to the one engine and have been messing with things here and there trying to get serious about creating something.

Incase your curious what game engine it is it's the Torque Game Engine Advanced, you can find all their engines at http://www.garagegames.com/ incase indie game dev. is a dream of yours as well. Also if you're a freelance artist you might be able to find a team of serious guys there needing someone just like you.

So why all this talk about the game dev. stuff, well it's what made me make an attack plan which lead me to learning 3D modeling. You see I'd be happy either eventually getting my own game out there or just getting picked up by a team of guys as a 3D artist if I ever get good enough.

Sorry for the book of info, thanks for reading and again thanks in advance for all your contructive critisicism.

I'll post some of my work shortly.
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