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BioWare Austin inhouse contract jobs (VFX and env)

We are hiring 4 more contract environment artists, and 4 contract VFX artists (we may have hired one or two of each already, not sure). All contracts are onsite in beautiful Austin.

Jobs page:

VFX description:
9-12 month contract (According to that page).

Env job:
I don't have a page for the environment positions, but it is an entry level job (actually we would take someone with little 3d experience if they are a good artist, there is little modeling work involved, most if texturing and in-editor world building/texture painting). You can talk to buddikaman if you want to find out more, he is a temp here (please send your app/contact info to me still). 6 month contract I am pretty sure.

You can PM me with your info if interested and I will pass it along.


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