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1st post. Environment

polycounter lvl 15
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dummyyou polycounter lvl 15
Heres a environment im working on. Comments would be much appreciated. Screenshot is in UT3. Ill post some screens of the assets by themselves soon. " im sorry for not posting concept earlier." I found this concept from my schools server and decided to replicate it in unreal.



  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Looks good to me!
    I really like the stuff over on the left, and that door is nice too. I seem to recognise this scene, is it based off someone else's concept art, or a screenshot from a game?

    The main thing I'd change right now is the lighting - you have a really bright light in the background on the right, illuminating some fairly boring boilers and pipes. I think the scene would be more interesting if these weren't so bright, and instead the lighting brought focus to the more interesting machinery on the left in the foreground.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    nice id say there is a little too much noise in most of you textures
  • frubes
    just a little heads up, its polite to credit the guy whos environment you are using as ref.


    i think you could learn a lot from studying his environments colour pallette and lighting more.
  • Codeman
    frubes wrote: »
    just a little heads up, its polite to credit the guy whos environment you are using as ref.


    i think you could learn a lot from studying his environments colour pallette and lighting more.

    Agreed. I consider it stealing not to mention such an obvious attempt at a copy. And then to put your name on it. Dude, not cool for a first post.
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 20
    I think we'd do better around here , in general if we gave people the benifit of doubt and remember how we all started out imitating and that imitation is generally why we become an artist because we are inspired.

    We do tend to assume all newcomers know the rules we only learned through experience.

    We ALL make the same mistakes at first, so why don't we try to point out the mistake in a more gracious manner. This forum is a place where we all mentor each other through example, why not try to remember that when we point out we know the source of someone's inspiration.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yes indeed, I thought I recognised it, I don't think it's necessary to tear this guy a new one, he may just have forgotten to mention it. It's not like you are certain he's deliberately and maliciously hiding his sources of inspiration just so he can claim glory for himself, that doesn't make any sense.
  • Codeman
    Ignorance is no excuse, besides who is tearing the guy a new one? Personally I stated that it is stealing, and to me it is.
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    MoP wrote: »
    Yes indeed, I thought I recognised it, I don't think it's necessary to tear this guy a new one, he may just have forgotten to mention it. It's not like you are certain he's deliberately and maliciously hiding his sources of inspiration just so he can claim glory for himself, that doesn't make any sense.

    Haha, I thought I was good at sensing sarcasm, but this made me unsure. :P
    I agree with Kevin though. Inspiration is something very important, and you shouldn't be ashamed of being inspired. Like Picasso said; "Good artists copy, great artists steal."
    I'm not saying you should go about stealing people's hard work, but I hope you get my point. Now I'm actually not even sure if I have a point. Anyways.. Just felt like bargin in.

    Good job btw!
  • diZzyWalnut
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    diZzyWalnut polycounter lvl 18
    *Codeman , stay cool and try to imagine the original work of Toni Bratincevic as an art concept for dummyyou and that's it.
    *Dummyyou put just a link or a name of Toni at your work.

    "Good artists copy, great artists steal." - lol , I like it and I'll remember this .
    I confess that I don't hear it or I don't remember,... and that comes from Picasso. Shame to diZzy !
    Life is wonderful , every day we learn something.
  • Mark Dygert
    I remember seeing the reference on CGTalk a few months ago. It was pretty inspirational, which is the roll it plays in this piece as well.

    He took a render of a high poly scene and converted it to UE3, pretty faithfully. Nicely done =) I don't see how this is any different then working off of any other ref. It might be bad taste not to link to the ref or even mention it, but stealing... that's a leap. in order for it to be theft he would need to use some of the original art for more then inspiration, which I don't think he has actually done.

    This looks to be inspired, not stolen...

    If this thread doesn't descend into a feeding frenzy I'll be back later to post some pointers on how to push it closer to the ref.
  • frubes
    I think we'd do better around here , in general if we gave people the benifit of doubt and remember how we all started out imitating and that imitation is generally why we become an artist because we are inspired.

    We do tend to assume all newcomers know the rules we only learned through experience.

    We ALL make the same mistakes at first, so why don't we try to point out the mistake in a more gracious manner. This forum is a place where we all mentor each other through example, why not try to remember that when we point out we know the source of someone's inspiration.

    Im pretty sure your reply was aimed at me Kevin. I think i pointed it out in quite a forgiving manner because i appreciate we all started somewhere, most likely in the same way by being inspired by others, theres nothing wrong with that. However, as i said, it is curteous to credit others where credit is due and this is what i pointed out.

    It would have been easy to jump on the band wagon but i appreciated the fact it was his first post and credited the originator for him. I also gave what i think to be constructive criticism interms of lighting and pallette.

    Im certain, from my own perspective, my post was nothing but credit where credit is due and constructive crit regarding this gents rendition. If you interpreted it in another way then well, apologies. It goes without saying that this is a place for mentoring as im sure we have all developed through critique and guidance from others.
  • Codeman
    Sorry, but I disagree with most of you. Anyways, I am over it.
  • EarthQuake
    Frubes, i think it was actually more codeman's comment that Kevin was responding to.
    Agreed. I consider it stealing not to mention such an obvious attempt at a copy. And then to put your name on it. Dude, not cool for a first post.

    A bit over the top really, especially considering he hasn't even posted a response to any of the comments yet. They guy has 1 post, settle down.
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 20
    It was aimed at the whole forum trend frube, I jumped in because this thread was still pretty calm, usually when things kick off more later one theres no one willing to listen to a call for calm in general
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    As Vig mentioned, a faithful reproduction of the original. Providing a link to the original is a given...*slaps wrist*. Welcome to Polycount, we likes our dramas.

    Back on topic though...

    Seems like you have some pixel density issues...mainly the left and right wall having a low res/muddy normal. I'd also lay down a few more cuts on the hanging wires, to lose the jagged silhouettes.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    The shadows are hard to find in the piece mate. You need to push the contrast in the lighting more to make it really bling.
  • Pedro Amorim
    what a bunch of drama queens
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    I think you scared the poor guy away. =(
  • dummyyou
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    dummyyou polycounter lvl 15
    :O .. i apologize for not linking the concept. Just wanted to get comments how my version was coming out. This is definatley not my orginal concept. I found a jpeg of the concept on my school server and was working on replicated it in unreal. i apologize again and will remeber to linkref for future posts.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    bitmap wrote: »
    what a bunch of drama queens
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    hahaha its been like the Spanish inquisition around here lately :P

    One thing I would try to incorporate into the scene is the same cluttered jam packed look of the original, right now everything feels kinda uniformly spaced out while in the ref its all jammed together.
  • Bobbeh
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    Bobbeh polycounter lvl 10
    I spy a missing fire extinguisher. What would you do if all that crap caught fire hmmm?

    Also, what everyone else said about the lighting and the texture density and the spacing and the gliven. o.o
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    I've been doing some ZBrush tutorials lately, so as I am "replicating" what the tutorial is teaching me, am I stealing someone elses art work? No, I'm just replicating exactly what I see so that I get practice in a certain skill. Same thing dummyyou did. Why the drama? This is not an ideal welcoming ceremony for a brand new poster.

    Kevin said it best. Leave it at that. We learn and move on.

    dummyyou, if you're still working on this, I would dim the lighting in the foreground like the original artist did.. leaving more light in the background. Also, try bringing the right side wall closer to the door. Shrink the room a bit so you get that more "confined" feel you get when looking at the original concept. You could also scale down the size of those tanks in the back, and bring them closer together. Good luck.

  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome piece. I don't consider it stealing at all. If I model a scene based off Fengs concept art I don't think it is stealing. It is all inspiration. I'll give credit and this guy obviously just forgot.

    Let's not start screaming witch and burning people on the cross ey?

    Can't wait to see more updates on this.
  • EarthQuake
    One thing i think that deserves to be mentioned, we've all heard the "omg ur stealing" argument here countless times, but i think there is another issue when dealing with something like this.

    On its own this environment is pretty good, nothing spectacular but it stands up on its own. Because its soooo close to the inspiration, when you see both of them compared it becomes really easy to pick out the things that were done better in the orig. This is stuff that normally wouldn't be noticed(or at least not viewed so critically).

    So i think its definately worth thinking about when you're thinking of recreating a peice, if you do anything less than the orig, you're just showcasing what the other person has done better than you. I think in these cases its better to take a different approach, and do something similar, but take some time out to make it unique, make it your own so you dont draw those direct comparisons.
  • System
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    System admin
    Codeman wrote: »
    Ignorance is no excuse, besides who is tearing the guy a new one? Personally I stated that it is stealing, and to me it is.

    Wow, you don't mince your words, do you! That's like saying that the model produced from a photo reference that someone else took a picture of is stealing because you didn't take that picture.

    Anyway I like the scene but think the lighting could do with an overhaul and that the right hand wall is a bit bare. Keep going and keep posting :)
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Well actually on the bottom of the concept image it mentions the original author's name "Tony Bratinzevic" so it doesn't fully constitute stealing unless he marked his name into it or painted over it and claim it as his own. I'd say he's merely forgetting it.

    On a side note, I wish the shadows and ambient colors are worked on a bit more. Ditto on the texture density.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    There is, in my mind, absolutely no way this is STEALING. He did not take that image and post it as his own. He used it as reference and created it as a real-time environment.
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    One thing i think that deserves to be mentioned, we've all heard the "omg ur stealing" argument here countless times, but i think there is another issue when dealing with something like this.

    On its own this environment is pretty good, nothing spectacular but it stands up on its own. Because its soooo close to the inspiration, when you see both of them compared it becomes really easy to pick out the things that were done better in the orig. This is stuff that normally wouldn't be noticed(or at least not viewed so critically).

    So i think its definately worth thinking about when you're thinking of recreating a peice, if you do anything less than the orig, you're just showcasing what the other person has done better than you. I think in these cases its better to take a different approach, and do something similar, but take some time out to make it unique, make it your own so you dont draw those direct comparisons.

    Very well said! You're absolutely right.
  • breakneck
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    breakneck polycounter lvl 13
    i think its coming along well. the only thing I could nit pick is the final composition - I would drop the camera down a bit to take more of the ceiling out of the shot. and get some sweet dynamic lighting in there and it will really start to look good - probably better than the original!

    edit: also, I would suggest adding just a few extra loops in those hanging wires so they are not so obvious as low poly geometry
  • dummyyou
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    dummyyou polycounter lvl 15
    Thx for all the comments. Ive hadnt had that much time to work on it this week but ive started working on the lighting and compostion. heres some wip.

  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    i still think the light in the background is far too bright, it's ruining the mood!
  • vj_box
    I find the lighting lacks the source here. Where does all the light come from? If you notice in your reference render,the lighting is clearly established,as you have a hanging light which gives the mood and some exterior light which comes in and bounces off.
    Keep it coming

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