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Sprite Rendering tool

Hey guys, anyone know of a app or a plug in that will render my 3d assets to a sprite, like spriteforge...but better? cheers!


  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    uh..can't you just take a render and bam.. you got yourself a jpeg sprite?
  • Mark Dygert
    I think he's thinking about an animation strip? Its a pain to line them all up by hand, so use Xnview or Glueit.
  • fortheweekend_
    Yeah i could render, but its for project, so ill be using alot of sprites, and to make sure they are all the same angle and ect. would be a pain

    and thanks Vig your always helpful!

    Edit* I dont think these are going to do the trick, im thinking of more like spriteforge, it will import my .x file and i can set the camera angles with a click of a button, 45 degrees ect. and it will render my mesh as a image file.
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    What software are you using though? Does it render out animation frames as images? Getting isometric camera angles is easy enough. I agree that it's less automated but it works, plus you get a bit more flexibility with the lighting and render quality.

    Also, why not use SpriteForge Lite?
    "Spriteforge lite is a fully functional version for small sprites up to 2500px. The only limitation is any sprite larger than 2500 pixels will be watermarked."
  • fortheweekend_
    I dont use spriteforge, because i need the render output a little bigger than that, it water marks it at 64 x 64 and up, and as you mentioned the rendering quality isnt all that good, i tried playing around with cameras and circle splines to work out a angle system but i failed lol, if you could explain a decent wait to render a certain angle and keep it constant i could use 3d max to do what i need instead of using a 3rd party app
  • Daaark
  • fortheweekend_
    Atm i only really need to render static objects, no animations. frag motion is an animation app if im not mistaken it would cater much for a static mesh will it?

    EDIT* does anyone know how to render in 3d max at a certain angle and rotation, I want to render all my outputs at say 45 degrees, front back left right ect. i have tried playing with the cameras, but i have no way of messuring.
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    Oh man...I'm getting deja vu.


    I never did quite get max to render seamless tiles, had to do a lot of manual cleanup. But for objects, it worked out alright. Just keyframe a dummy to rotate 45 degrees along the vertical axis, parent your objects to that swapping them out at the end of every sequence, and you have your multiple views.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool

    aside from the orthographic projection setup (many people prefer 30° or 45° rotationX setups) the rest could be done using maxscript or simply by defining 1 scene setup and then merge or xRef each object/ animation to that scene.

    once rendered merge it with glueIt.

    If I would have more time I propably would write a maxscript myself as I need it as well atm. but once you have your workflow stitching them together each time with glueIt and setting up each time the render ouput folder is ok.
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    graphics gale has the ability to load avi files in and break it apart into frames, however, I don't think it has the ability to organize the frames into spritesheets... if I could write japanese, I would love to contact the creator to add this feature...

    what you can do though is create a grid and lock to grid positions so the cutting and pasting is pretty quick.

    Costs 20 bucks or so for the full version, I think it's money well spent for a spectacular gif animator that supports layers and frames.
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