Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

[Portfolio] – Mateusz Lenart


It's my first post so J'm a little bit nervous. Sorry for any mistakes in language.

I work in 2d. That will be my first art which is a promotion to game called "Globalepidemic" www.globalepidemic.pl
I'm looking for comments.


  • Stubbs
    Offline / Send Message
    Stubbs polycounter lvl 17
    I like it. The painting on the intro page is really good, I especially like the girl's face.
  • BradMyers82
    Offline / Send Message
    BradMyers82 interpolator
    That's some really skillful painting there, nicely done!
    What sort of comments are you looking for? Are you looking for comments on the game or your art here?

    [edit] and just to let you know, only the bottom image of the girl shows up for me, it appears you have another image that isn't loading.
  • len_art
    Offline / Send Message

    It's just a beginning of creating the game so it isn,t much to comment for now.
    But every comment about my art will be helpfull :)
  • System
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    System admin
    Three things to say;
    The girl's foot appears wrong somehow - the toes look bare like she is wearing tights or stockings then there's a sharp transition into what seems like blood but it's very difficult for me to decide what is going on there.
    The nose has a sharp line running down the lhs, I think it looks sharp because it's too dark and needs blending a bit more using the otherwise stellar light theory you have going on there.
    Finally, make some more stuff!! The look and angles are really eyecatching - I'm an instant fan :thumbup:
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