1)when i import a low poly model to fix texture seams when i apply texture it messes with the geometry for some reason. like some vertices are welded on its own. but when i take the texture off its normal again.
2) color picker is very inaccurate
3) can't find where to apply normal map on the mesh.
i need hlp with this plz
2 Color picker pick colors based on shaded model, turn on flat lighting to have the accurate colors
3 Normal map is applied in the bump map. Go to Object list and click on the material, at the very bottom there is a display bump as normal. Then import your normal in the bump channel and voila.
Also check wayne robson videos on Autodesk Area. All this things are covered (and more)
but for some reason it doesn't give me the option to display bump as normal.
i don know if there some steps i missed or something did wrong. but it just won't show up
rite now its just treating the map as a bump map only not a normal map. I have already import the layer as a bump value but the option doesnt show up. I already followed the mudbox tutorial.