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My "Noobfolio" WIP

polycounter lvl 13
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CT007 polycounter lvl 13
Ok, so here are my "noobfolio" plans:
1. Model until early March
2. Texture until mid April
3. Throw it all into an actual folio
4. Have a job-worthy folio/fix things if I have any time left(before graduation)

Problems I have (most) often:
-High poly surface pinching
-Low poly surface/material smoothing problems
-Baking normals/AO from geometry with bump/vdisp maps
-Baking AO that doesn't have tons of black overlapping parts

As far as these models go, this is mostly work from the last few months, and some models I probably won't get around to texturing(the slipgate, the fountain, and the "xcrate"). I'm looking for "how to fix problems", and perhaps style/method crits...I don't have a concept artist currently, and I haven't bothered to do my own sketches, so I've only been able to go off of whatever photos I could find. <- I blame my sucky designs on that.

As for skills, you can see I prefer hard surface, but I've been trying to get into some sculpting lately... I find texturing totally boring, but I'm going to force myself to do nothing but for about 2 months soon, so that should help. I'm a modo user, coming from Maya, and I realize it's not the most complete game dev app, but I am familiar with Maya(and some Max), if it comes to that. =p I prepare my models for UE3, with custom collisions, lightmap UVs, and multiple materials and vertex colors(if needed). I'll have more of that stuff to show/update later though...

I'd like to end up as a modeler(high + low + baking) or complete env. prop artist, and I just wish I could live with an artist now, so I could steal all his tricks-of-the-trade/workflows/etc. In fact I'll probably ask some companies if I can do an artist sit-in, sometime in the future. Enough yackin'.


Thx- :]
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