I'm having a tiny issue. I'm trying to rig up a character for a few simple subtle poses. I'm using a standard biped and the Skin modifier.
I've applied a few Joint angle deformers to the shoulder area and elbows, but I'm having some problems coping the lattices over to the other side mirrored. I've made a new Gizmo with the same vertices on the other side but the paste doesn't mirror it across. Is there a work-around to this within the Skin modifier, or would I need to use the Skin Morph modifier for this? Or maybe if there isn't an easy work-around I will just have to edit the lattices twice
Thanks in advance.
Adjust the mirror plane so it hits on the center of the model, the verts should turn yellow. Your model will need to be roughly symmetrical for it to work.
That works for the regular vertex weighting but it doesn't copy across the Joint angle deformers or the gizmos or the lattice information.
I don't know what you mean by Lattice information? FFD modifiers? As far as I know there isn't a mirror function for that, but I think you can copy one lattice from one object to another by copy and pasting the modifier.
It's okay though, I don't really want to use a Skin Morph modifier because it's not really for animation.. just posing. I'll just end up repeating the steps for each arm.