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Texture and lighting issues

First time post for me. I need some help.

I'm doing this thatched cottage scene with a few props and I can't shake this lighting issue I've been having on my thatch roof texture. This is what it looks like through 3ds max viewport:


This is what it looks like rendered with only default viewport lights, no exposure control, no advanced lighting, and no modified texture levels. I basically just threw this texture over my UV layout and test rendered.


Now this is with light tracer and a skylight but still no exposure control or modified texture levels.


I have test rendered with a daylight system and logarithmic exposure control at times before this in the scene. It seems that after I have used a daylight system for lighting, my other forms of lighting have been wacky.

The actual texture of the roof thatch is really not that desaturated and washed out.

Any help or advice would be great here I want to get this project finished I've spent way too much time on it.


  • ArtsyFartsy
    Offline / Send Message
    If you're not using radiosity, then just change the RGB level under the output category on your diffuse texture.

    If you are using radiosity, likely the reflectance of that materials is too high.

    Go under preferences>radiosity and make sure 'display reflectance' is checked.

    In your material editor. Right under the editor slots, when you select your material you should see something that says reflectance: avg % max %

    The higher the value the more light it will reflect back. Under the most extreme conditions this should never really go above 70-80% In your case it should be around 20%. There's tables for the reflectance values of various materials around the web.

    To reduce this value. Change your diffuse color to black, then go into the maps tab, and reduce the diffuse amount until the reflectance number comes down to what you want it. Then recompute and render.
  • Mark Dygert
    Offline / Send Message
    That's good advice Artsy, but if that doesn't work you can try the Ol' merge it into a new scene, trick. Create a material from scratch?

    I've seen this happen when people bounce between MR and Scanline. Usually merging into a new scene fixes it.
  • jjohnson22
    Offline / Send Message
    That is great advice I will consider it but still, I will not be using radiosity and I have not used mr yet, only scanline for light tracer.

    I find that reducing the RGB level is a good way to reduce the amount of light reflected but it also loses detail in the texture and for this thatched roof if you lose that little bit of detail you've got nothing left.

    Another issue is that even with this thatch texture applied I can still see the geometry segments of the roof, or the UV layout (whichever it is) on top of everything. Look very closely and you can see them (some in the bottom left beside the window). I tried deleting the UV layout layer in photoshop and even then there are the lines. I checked all the smoothing groups and they shouldn't create creases in the mesh, or the texture. I don't know what else to do I've never seen either of these issues (the lighting and the segments) before.

    In this render I have merged the scene into a new one and reduced the RGB level to .3 from 1. The segments are showing through the texture and the lighting is still just as bright.


    Thanks for the help guys.
  • arlrex
    Offline / Send Message
    jjohnson22 wrote: »
    That is great advice I will consider it but still, I will not be using radiosity and I have not used mr yet, only scanline for light tracer.

    I find that reducing the RGB level is a good way to reduce the amount of light reflected but it also loses detail in the texture and for this thatched roof if you lose that little bit of detail you've got nothing left.

    Another issue is that even with this thatch texture applied I can still see the geometry segments of the roof, or the UV layout (whichever it is) on top of everything. Look very closely and you can see them (some in the bottom left beside the window). I tried deleting the UV layout layer in photoshop and even then there are the lines. I checked all the smoothing groups and they shouldn't create creases in the mesh, or the texture. I don't know what else to do I've never seen either of these issues (the lighting and the segments) before.

    In this render I have merged the scene into a new one and reduced the RGB level to .3 from 1. The segments are showing through the texture and the lighting is still just as bright.


    Thanks for the help guys.

    I had similar problems like that when the UVs show on the model. Make sure when you save your specular map it is a 24 and not 32 bits/pixel.

    Dont know about the other thing sorry.
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