I already have some pre-build skeleton, but I don't success to create myself the leg's orientation... I already give a look to the Maya documentation...
with 3dsmax I easly create that stuff with :
- I create a dummy,
- Set his position and orientionon on the hip's bone,
- create an Ik-chain on the hip and foot for creating the leg mouvement...
--- and finally, moving the dummy I can change the leg orientation.
Anyway, in Maya, I cannot find kind of dummmy then I create a simple cube on the hip's bone,, contraint the bone orientation to my cube... But when I add the ikHandle, the leg start to be crazy when moving the cube! T_T...
Could somone help me to resolve this problem? I'm totaly noob to the Setup&Animation part of Maya...
I work with Maya 2008.
Thanks by advance...
For the dummy object method, create your cube (or use a locater), select it and then shift select your IK handle. Use Animate-Constrain-PoleVector. That should make your IK's orientation follow the position of your dummy.
Try this instead. Skip the Cube and create a ikHandle right away instead, make sure it is a RP (rotate plane) ikHandle. Now create whatever object, for example a Locator. Place the new object in front of the leg, at the knee but a bit in front of it. Make sure the new object is selected and shift-select the ikHandle as well. Add a "Pole Vector Constraint".
The new Pole Vector Constraint should be controlling which way the knee "points" when you shorten the ik chains distance so that it bends.
Dang! You beat me to it FunkaDelicDass
I tried with a locator and a cube and but same result...
If you want to check my attempt : http://samavan.com/divershelp/_Leg_Test_A.mb
(Maya 2008 )
I'm sorry I cannot save it with *.ma, it doesn't work on my Vista
Alright!!! Not on the bone (like my 3dsmax technic =_=)
It works perfectly now!
Really thanks !man! 8)