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Alright, so I converted to Edit Poly before generating my UV's..

polycounter lvl 19
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adam polycounter lvl 19
..then saved, closed Max, re-opened it later to realize my mistake and now I am here posting about it.

I have a tree trunk, this one infact:

I want to unwrap its rendermesh as painlessly as possible. If I need to, I'll use Roadkill once I get in to work tomorrow as I cannot set it up to save my life here at home.

So, can I do this in Max 2008? How the hell do you use the pelt mapper? I've tried this sequence of button pressing:
  1. Edit UVW modifier
  2. Select the edges for the seems
  3. Convert Edge selection to Seem
  4. Select a face
  5. Expand face selection to extents of the seems
  6. Pelt
  7. Pick an axis for the planar
  8. Edit the UV's
  9. Nothing's happened

I cannot find the Spline UV unwrapper that Max 09 has either, which is bogus.

I suppose if I have to I can do it the super-pain-in-the-ass way and start stitching faces together and deal with the mess afterwards. If all else fails, I mean.

Or I can wait. But god dammit I'm inspired and we all know thats a terrible thing to waste.



  • PolyHertz
    Offline / Send Message
    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    sounds like you never pressed the 'edit pelt map' button after picking the axis, you have to go into that, then close it, before going into the regular edit mode.
  • Mark Dygert
    Offline / Send Message
    Looks like a perfect candidate for Spline Map Unwrap, too bad it was put in 09... You could probably snag the 09 demo, unwrap it, export as obj and then import back to 08 and keep working?

    Step 2: Try point to point seams, or make sure you're hitting "Edge Sel to PELT Seams". Either way they need to be blue seams not the standard green.

    Between steps 6-9 you should have clicked "edit Pelt Map" and then a box should have popped up, with a button that says "Simulate Pelt Pulling". That's where the magic happens. It also helps to scale up the stretcher frame. If you don't simulate a pelt pull, nothing happens... and then you post on ploycount saying WTF I'm a nub!? =P

    They also improved the pelt mapping workflow GREATLY in 2009.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    "Seams", Adam. "Seams".
  • adam
    Offline / Send Message
    adam polycounter lvl 19
    It seems I've gone and spelled seams wrong.

    I shall give these suggestions a go, thank you!
  • Vrav
    Offline / Send Message
    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    So it seems! Good luck.
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