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EVE Band of Brothers - Get Got!

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Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
Haha, you guys read this crazyness!?

its pretty huge in its scope, this is probably the biggest movement of alliance wealth in any mmo to date. it looks gigantic!

anyone know anything else? anyone close to the leaders? (who are apparently meeting in Washington DC for a RL meeting? hahaha



  • aniceto
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    aniceto polycounter lvl 18
    I've never played EVE, it looks way too fucking complicated, but I like reading about all the shit that happens in that game
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    Yea, you know, I tried Eve a while back. Wasn't very impressed with its base gameplay mechanics, a bit clunky...

    That said, they seem to have hit the head on the fucking nail for the diplomacy bit of the game. For a story like this to come from a game is just cool. Stories like this almost make me wish I'd have kept on playing.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Saw that, talked with an EVE playing coworker today about it. Apparently he hadn't played in a little while, and didn't believe me until I'd pulled up the article, and then he was jaw-on-the-floor. XD
  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    Ya I havent played this game either, but it gives me the star trek kind of > drawing political parallels thing... that is really interesting to find. its getting harder and harder to commit to an entire solo rpg console game when all this interesting MMO shit is going on...

    but in terms of actual EVE gameplay, I cant do it!
  • carlo_c
    Reading about the stuff that happens in EVE always makes me want to play it lol but I know I could never have the time for it.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I love EVE, play it often. It's not complicated at all, just in-depth. Big difference. There's a lot to do, none of it is difficult. You just have to read a little.

    BoB and goonswarm are both douchebag alliances. Their members are all pompous asses.
  • Unleashed
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    Unleashed polycounter lvl 19
    used to play pretty hardcore, 3 accs, alliance warfare, was involved in just about every facet of the game. BoB had it coming, and its really fitting that it was done in such a way. The dev cheating really soured me on the whole game though, that and rampant exploits that happens under the radar.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    This is what got me the most.

    Universal map BEFORE

    Universal map AFTER

    Well shiver-me-timbers that's a huge chunck of realestate.
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    this article made me want to download the trial. so i did.
    I then went thru the whole tutorial thing. thought it was cool.
    then i did my first agent mission outside of the tutorial. it was called "unathorized military pressence" where I had to find a transport ship and take the dudes on it.

    I warped to the location, it took me to some acceleration gate, so I used it. then it warped me to a fucking star system where I got blown up in under a minute by some Mordus rookies of some shit.

    So 1 1/2 hours into the game, and Im allready shipless.... Fuck this game.
    I just uninstalled. Ive always wanted a game without "zones", but after seeing this, I think I rather like zones. It prevents you from getting o-fucking-bliterated....

    i wanted to like it., but it doesnt explain shit, and makes it very hard to get into.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    mordus is AI. Tutorial missions are 100% AI. Angel Cartel, Serpentis, Sansha, all AI.

    I really do not understand how you found the game difficult. I really don't. I followed the game tutorial and got along just fine. To understand the finer details of the game you need help, but joining a corp fixes that.

    As for being shipless, if your ship is blown up and you're in your pod, just dock at any station. You automatically get issued a new "newbie" ship (the one you start off with) at no charge.

    Do you show this incredible lack of attention span to every new game you play? It's an MMO, and moreover a PLAYER CONTROLLED MMO. Players control the game's economy and industry. We mine ore, produce modules and materials, then sell them on market. There's illegal drug trafficing, pirating, all sorts of shit. It's the most in depth and interesting game I've ever played. Sure it takes time to learn all the little nuances, but it wasn't rocket science to pick up the basics.

  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    even starting a thread with EVE in the title produced a mini-drama... this game is goood.
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    haha. touche Micro

    Vass, I congratulate you for your patience and incredible attention span. But for me, entertainment is just that. Eve didnt entertain. simple as that. If I need to put in lots of hours to reach that point, not the game for me.

    i get little time to play games, so I choose the ones I play carefully. Right now, Im playing the witcher, and it was entertaining instantly. Eve has an awesome atmosphere, and a level of complexity I would have probably enjoyed before my career life, but I simply dont have the time for that shit anymore.

    You are free to un-twist your panties now
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Fair enough it didn't entertain you, but you went off like Christian Bale on it. ;)

    I've been in the industry 9yrs now, and I still fine some time to play games. Even if it's 1hr of EVE per week, it's enjoyable. Stop making excuses. :D

    /me untwists panties, takes them off, hands them back to per
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I thought the game looked interesting, but a space ship game where you cant actually fly your spaceship? wtf is that?
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Slum wrote: »
    I thought the game looked interesting, but a space ship game where you cant actually fly your spaceship? wtf is that?

    LOL. I said the same thing when I first tried it. Was rather disappointed that it wasn't 1st or 3rd person realtime control on it. It's still annoying I suppose, but you do control it indirectly still (double click here/there, etc).
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18

    well, christian bale is definitely my role model.
    I think I was in a bad mood when I decided to play. I had just finished watchin the new BSG and was all pissed at Gaita and Zarek. you know how it is :)
  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    Making nice is absolutely unacceptable! someone get in here an stir up some trouble dammit! Dont take that lying down animatr, Retaliate! His apology was really half assed! untwisting panties does not give you satisfaction! Vassago, is that all you got!? his tone was endlessly insulting on its own, and to attack so blatently with very small exposure is ludicrous! What about this new challenger? Slum is overly concerned with doing a loopy loop in his spaceship? ridiculous! We all know there are large quadrents to conqor and here is Slum playing bumper cars in the corner!

    someone put all these kittens and flowers in a blender immediately!
  • Slum
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    slum you summed up my greivance with it.. years back when I saw the promo stuff it looked awesome, great concept art and visuals.. then i was gutted when I saw the gameplay, of some camera rotating around a spaceship flying in a straight line into oblivion
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    For a while now I've been on this kick where I'll play just about any space game. I've played some great ones and some terrible ones lately. Hell, I even started playing Star Wars Galaxies for a little bit.

    Unfortunately, no amount of pretty screenshots or enticing stories of warfare can keep me from falling asleep while playing EVE.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Yahtzee is funny, but he's a douchebag that knows jack. :D
  • Waz
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    Waz polycounter lvl 17
    I used to play Eve, and come back to it every once and a while but reading about it is more fun than playing it. Unless you love spinning around your ship in station for hours on end waiting for pvp to happen.

    This BoB thing is pretty amazing and a real focal shift for power blocks of the game. Considered resubbing just to go and fight, but it's not worth the $15.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Waz wrote: »
    Considered resubbing just to go and fight, but it's not worth the $15.

    That's the downside, yeah. Don't like subs. Although my char is at a point now where I can earn enough money in 60 day chunks to buy another 60day PLEX (pilot license extension) card. So basically, I don't pay to play anymore. ;)
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Vassago wrote: »
    That's the downside, yeah. Don't like subs. Although my char is at a point now where I can earn enough money in 60 day chunks to buy another 60day PLEX (pilot license extension) card. So basically, I don't pay to play anymore. ;)

    Interesting idea. So all hardcore players are playing for free then? And im guessing the majority of players are hardcore because I cant imagine a casual eve player :( ... so arent ccp losing a lot of money this way?
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I'm sure they're losing some money over it. But they've been going strong for like 6yrs or so. I think the influx of new players (and the fact that hardcore players have 2+ accounts), they make up for the loss somehow.
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