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polycounter lvl 17
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3DGURU polycounter lvl 17
web business

i want some guidance guys and a little info from your experience

i have last week taken a domain name

and created a neat site out-there , now i want to have some money back to me !! ..

i don't want to deal google , i want another ad sense service providers

how can i earn money from my site , i think it's well designed , but in case that i have put ads the site should contain free video tutorials and models ...

i have knowledge in the blender game engine field , i can make a series of video tutorials for free , now the site traffic will increase , so that the ads will give a more rate of money monthly

do you guys have any suggestions ?


  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    I think you need to step back a bit, making money just like that isn't easy.

    I have no personal knowledge of ad money, but in the case of a few blender game engine tutorials, you won't get that much money from it,

    in the best case it'll pay for a bit of the traffic.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    honestly the easiest and best way to make money on the internet is porn but then again you would have to be a really hot chick with huge boobies and be willing to expose yourself to the world.

    On a serious note. Looking at the content I would find it hard pressed for you to be able to make any serious money where you could live off.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    This is a slippery slope. Most sites that actually make money off of add revenue are specifically designed to increase click-through. They use coding specifically to increase the number of clicks and refreshes on their site so that they can show impressive figures to potential advertisers.

    Your best bet right now is to just try to get enough people seeing your site. If you have a regular steady audience, than you will be able to sell advertising space to anyone looking to reach that demographic. If your primary content is going to be Blender tutorials, than you are going to run into a slight problem looking for advertisers. No one is going to pay you to advertise Blender or the software usually associated with it, because most of those programs are open source. Of course, you might be able to sell add space to other 3D package developers like Pixologic or NeverCenter. Blender has been known to serve as gateway drug that leads to the purchase of commercial 3D apps.

    I don't think the focus of your site at this point should be genarating add revenue. That's something usually done later in a site's lifespan. Even site's like Penny Arcade didn't start selling add space until they had a regular readership.
  • Mark Dygert
    If you ever figure out a way to make money off it, I'm sure every newspaper in the world would like to know your secret. They're all failing to do the same thing and its not like they aren't trying.

    It's hard enough to make a successful FREE site, and near impossible to make people pay for it.

    You have to provide something people can't live without, even then they will still try to get it for as close to free as possible. If they can get what you offer for free from someone else they will. The only time people buy out of kindness are:
    - When you're a girl scout with big weepy anime eyes.
    - When you're running a hot co-ed carwash.
    - When the animal shelter posts its going to start making room for new arrivals...

    Notice none of those involve websites...
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    A friend of mine had a website showing how to modify a pocket-bike engine to run faster, it became one of those "must visit" tutorials in the pocket-bike circle, he put google ads on it and made enough money to cover the costs of hosting the page.

    Honestly, just set the ads up on your site and see what happens...
  • 3DGURU
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    3DGURU polycounter lvl 17
    there are bunch of things that might increase the site traffic , ...
    example = this tutorials
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
  • 3DGURU
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    If you're making a website in order to make money you should treat it like publishing a book, don't use others work without permission and give full credit.

    A good tutorial is well written and easy to understand, your English is OK, but not great.

    Honestly, want to know something that might be worthwhile? Make the website a blender tutorial site in your native language. I'm sure there's plenty of people out there that would find a 3d tutorial site targeted to the Arabic community very useful.
  • 3DGURU
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    3DGURU polycounter lvl 17
    offtopic a little , what do you think of this abstract work ?
    created long time ago [two Years]

    i hope you like them .
  • 3DGURU
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    3DGURU polycounter lvl 17
    i can make lectures on engineering mathematics and differential equations ....
    and some topics on engineering .

    actually it's disprating a little .... but no problem
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    I didn't get enough to cover my monthly hosting fees, so I took the ads off.
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    And because they made your nice site look ugly!
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    and eventually get you even worse traffic.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, this might have been a viable solution in the late 90s but no marketplace for it today's economy you just simply won't drive the traffic needed to get positive clicks through an ad system.
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    LEViATHAN polycounter lvl 11
    i want to buy pics of your mustaches

    give me a quote
  • jrs100000
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    jrs100000 polycounter lvl 8
    If your primary content is going to be Blender tutorials, than you are going to run into a slight problem looking for advertisers.

    This is a very good point. Even popular Blender sites like Blenderartist, Blendernation, and Blendermaterials loose money or barely break even. For the most part they operate on donations only, with the occasional add from render farms, third party render engines, and freelance Blender developers...not exactly a gold mine.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    these guys have the right idea: http://www.dexsoft-games.com/index.html
    pump out a large quantity of solid, generic models that appeal to as large as possible a target market. pimp the stuff out in packs with free samples, and peddle it to all the independant game maker sites; torque, gamedev, quest3d, etc

    you'll need to identify a successful buisness model and try to emulate it.. its very difficult to invent a successful buisness model..
  • 3DGURU
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    3DGURU polycounter lvl 17
    about the traffic , i have an unlimited traffic and capacity ...

    do you know any kind of an e-exhibition where i can sell abstract art like above ?

    those abstracts were experimental and 2 years old , i believe i can make even more cool ones .

    thanks for your comments .
  • aniceto
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    aniceto polycounter lvl 19
  • 3DGURU
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    3DGURU polycounter lvl 17
    allright , now i have looked up on deviantart and it's terms and agreed and registered , i have a question , now let's say that i want to sell the first one and call it alarm fluid


    now , the sale ,
    in which form can i sell it ? , only print ? , whenever someone wants it , hey pays for them and they give me a % ?

    i'm browsing the faqs but actually it's not brief nor clear .

    PS :- English isn't my native language .


    Edit :-

    oh , !! , i was looking for a place where i can sell it as "art" not a "product" .
    they don't give much profit in my opinion , i will give it a try , lol ...
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    You seem to really be on an easy money kick lately. What is up some kinda money crisis going on?

    EVEN if you managed to sell one or 2 of something... what will that get you a couple of bucks?

    Think of how much you would have to sell for any real profit? And honestly do you really think that is possible at this stage in your experience.

    You seriously need to focus more on making yourself a better artist and think a lot less on becoming a millionaire with some stuff you scribbled out in the infancy of your talent.

    Everyone has told you over and over and over and over in a total of 2 freaking threads. I know English is not your native language. But the point has HAD to sink in at least a bit.

    You are NOT going to get anyone on here to agree with you that yes it is possible for you to just start making a decent amount of money with your art at this point. You can make a dozen threads and the truth will still be that you need to learn to be a better artist before you start selling.

    People on this forum will do all in their power to help you improve if you want to put in the effort. But be prepared to really work.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    It is entirely possible to make money off of a website. I have a friend who has made this his primary form of income, and he makes a decent living off of it. But there is still a problem with what you are trying to achieve. My friend designs sites that are specifically structured to improve click-through. He uses every dirty web programming trick in the book to make his sites appealing to marketing departments. And he is not at all focused on the nature or quality of the content on his site. For him that is a secondary consideration, the click-through is what is really important.

    These days, that is what is necessary to turn a consistent profit and make a living off of a website. The only way to get around this is to first attract hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of regular visitors to your site. Unfortunately, posting Blender tutorials is not going to get you that kind of traffic. I'm all for such content, but I am definitely in the minority. The kind of sites that are able to generate that level of traffic are humor and comedy sites that don't charge for viewing their content. And those sites usually bolster their income by selling "merch."

    You can't make a website commercially viable in this economy without some decent marketing behind it. You have to understand how to promote your site as a brand, with extension into other revenue streams. Most designers and artists need to focus on using their personal site as a portfolio first. Extending it into a profitable business is something that you can do after you have generated enough content to support such a strategy.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    are you familiar with the 70's pop band sparks. just curious
  • diminished_Self
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    diminished_Self polycounter lvl 12
    sparks are still making music, very good music actually. "70s pop band sparks" makes it sound like they only existed in the 70s. maybe you could say "perennial rock band sparks"? they continue to surprise and delight me.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    well they are of the late seventies really. that's when they came to my attention anyway and had most of their success.
    I didn't know they were brothers ha ha
  • 3DGURU
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    3DGURU polycounter lvl 17
    yesterday joined adbrite and made 0.1 $ , hey guys , i'm doing it for fun ...

    PS :- i have more than 20 unique visitors daily , it's getting popular .
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