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collision problem

polycounter lvl 16
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Thewiruz polycounter lvl 16
Hello i have tried to make a collision mesh for UT3 but i cant find any reference anywhere how i apply that mesh.

If i make lets say a wall with a door which i want to walk trow.I make a copy of the wallmesh with alot less polys.But i cant find out how to make it a collision mesh.


  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    some things you have to keep in mind

    1. only convex meshes allowed, no concave meshes, so your wall/door mesh should be 1 (closed) mesh for left, 1 for right, 1 for above the door if needed and one mesh for the door

    2. your meshes hav to be Named with *UCX_meshname* so unreal recognizes it as a collision mesh, in the import option you can say that it should import those meshes for you, but you can also import meshes in the static mesh viewer

    3. if you're doing a colissionmesh for the ground, sometimes it can happen that you fall through the smallest gaps, so you should create your collision plates not straight up but a little displaced, so if you look in side view your collision looks like this \\ not like this ||
  • Thewiruz
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    Thewiruz polycounter lvl 16
    Thanks alot guys!Neox im a bit confused.so if i have a wall with a door i CAN pass trow i need to make atleast 3 collision meshes "boxes"? one in left one above the door and one at the right of the door?

    So Unreal enginde doesnt support more complex meshes then that?
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    ok look


    so if you'd want to do a cave, it's definitely going to be concave
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I would also like to add that you should assign the same material that the target mesh is using, select all and export. This way Unreal won't throw up those **No material** errors on build.

    If you're in Maya, I made a mel that makes the process a lot more bearable.
  • Thewiruz
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    Thewiruz polycounter lvl 16
    Thanks alot for the outstanding explination!

    Ok i will try when i get home this afternoon,I assume i dont have to have any uvcordinates on the collision mesh.I have to read the reference over at UDN again,My English kind of suck :/

    Lamont i use 3ds max 2k8 :(

    I used to build maps for UT99 but its kind of diffrent these days,Alot more to learn.especially when it comes to the texture part in Ut3 and other new engines.

    Thanks guys!!
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    same goes to max, just apply your material to the collision mesh too :)
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