My classes are starting to get more into environments than just props which is good because that's where I want to go. I'll kick off my first question on this forum with a noobish one.
When making a room with certain rooms or geometry jutting in and out of it, is it better to start with one cube and extrude and chamfer until I get the shape I want and have it all be connected? Or is it better to use floating geometry, if using floating geometry how to get it aligned like they do in games?
I've included two shots of the room layout so far and the floor plan, just a simple tavern done in Max.
Your particular room is going to be a little difficult to build modularly, simply because of all of the unique shapes it has. That doesn't mean it's impossible, just that you might not get as much reuse out of your assets as you might if it were a little more uniform.
As for how to make sure everything lines up, you can do that a couple of ways. You can, as you stated, build it all out of one piece. You can build a bunch of parts, and weld, or snap the edge verts together. Or if you're building modularly, you'll want to do some planning, and then build pieces that will naturally fit together on some easy grid (5' 10' 25' whatever, depending on scale and such.)
Here's a quick modular mock up I did in max. It's roughly the shape you have laid out. It's using 2 modular pieces (curve, and straight) which are 10' long (or 10' radius for the curve.)