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ladies and gentlemen: may i present MDickie.

polycounter lvl 12
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diminished_Self polycounter lvl 12

MDickie wrote:
Every industry has one. The free-thinking rebel that redefines the rules. He says what no-one else will say and does what no-one else will do. Fuelled by raw passion, he seizes an art form by the throat and drags it to its apex. What they invented, he makes it sing. His peers hate him but the public love his style. At once he intimidates and inspires; breaking down the walls that secure some yet block others. Welcome to MDickie.com - home of the games industry's first true 3-dimensional character! Whether he's the "hero" or the "villain" depends entirely on your perspective...

Having mastered every single discipline that goes into making a game (from design and programming through to 2D graphics, 3D graphics, and even music), I've turned a notoriously bureaucratic process into something altogether more instinctive. It's the key to everything that's lacking in the mainstream - speed, creativity, and economy. Even the most sophisticated of projects can be churned out in a matter of months rather than years. They're more innovative and creative because there's nobody to compromise my vision or question my beliefs. And since there's only one person to pay, the end product can be picked up for the same price as your average CD or DVD (yes, I preside over the publishing process too!)...

All of which fuels a revolutionary movement that entertains, educates, and inspires in equal measure. What used to be a faceless science has become an accessible art form that anyone can aspire to take part in. Delivering that message is a responsibility that this website takes very seriously; supplementing the games with a canon of insightful articles that lift the lid on this most elusive of professions. Behold an entire empire created and maintained effortlessly by one man. The dictionary definition of "independence" in full effect. See if you can feel it...


im still not sure if this is a joke. or if this dude is so serious it hurts. physically. like burning.


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