Holy god, You JUST saw this? Why would you watch this abomination? I thought all copies had been burned at the stake years ago. The only way it could have been any worse is if it had more Waynes Brothers in it!
I think the genre is under represented. We need more movies like Conan and Red Sonja, or stuff like LOTR, but on a smaller scale. I was just playing Conan 360 and fighting a giant elephant demon, and thinking, why aren't there more movies like this?
I know that the Red Sonja remake is coming out soon. Seems like it's been forever.
They made a sequel? I just looked it up and I can't find one. I am very curious now. Unless you are actually not serious.
yeah, that's it.
all the characters actually act like their D&D stereotypes. it's good fun.
I have the second movie somewhere... :P
EDIT: Crap that was back in 2006!
I know that the Red Sonja remake is coming out soon. Seems like it's been forever.