So is that some pedobear/afro samurai unholly union? I've only seen like the first two eps of A.S....
I think he appears in the 3rd or 4th episode.
The shoes are very deep.
I got the impression they were solid iron or stone or something, because they make a very "heavy" sound when he´s walking or stomping.
He´s probably wearing them for training.
What killer form you got going on him. Low poly indeed, and some awesome texture work, he could really shine.
Even though, your ref shows such huge foot block things, i would still make em a tad smaller. Most people who have seen the show, and those who hadn't, wont notice, and be left wondering why there so big. Keep it up!
This dude is what MADE Afro Samurai for me, totally. Not only does he look totally fucking awesome, he's also a tragic character with far more depth than you'd expect from a teddy-bear-headed maniac samurai. Awesome stuff, dude.
Only crit that I can think of is that maybe the head is a weeny tiny smidgen too small? I don't have a ref to hand, but I remember the head being bigger for some reason.
What was the significance of him having a Bear helmet type thing in the movie, just another far out character type?
Having just watched it, I can say the helmet is actually fairly significant to the story. He's got a big of a darth vader thing going on, but the helmet itself is also a reference to a young girl's toy from both his and the protagonist's past.
This is looking great so far! I love what you've done with the low poly count, the pose is straight out of the movie, and the bear helmet... I always loved that bear helmet. Makes me think of Lain, and her bear PJ's.
I like Afro Samurai, which is weird, cause I HATE hiphop, and anime, but what they did with the series, and movie was very interesting. And you've nailed the character so far. I wish I could give you a crit, to keep this posts ass-kissery to a minimum, but I can't see anything to crit, hoenstly. Great work, give updates.
you mentioned it was a doodle, so its all good when it comes to that..
but I dont see why you would still be using those plane fingers on a character thats over 1000 tris .. without proper hands even
when you get around that kind of polycount, I'd rather see a box hand or a hand with one finger and a thumb, or maybe go wild and crazy nextgen xbox360 motherfucker and give him 3sided cylinder fingers..
its a great character, and this time even I could see myself skinning the shoulders ..
but those plane fingers just scream laziness and kill the whole piece for me ..
Wtf is this?
This isn´t blind´re doing it wrong!
No seriously, thanks for the crits. !
I had PSP specs in mind when I did this.
The PSP screen isn´t very big so I thought it probably would look okay in a fighting game or whatever.
You´re probably right tho...I will improve this a bit more.
Are his hands made with planes?
The top and bottom of the hand connect at the base of the fingers.
The fingers are planes.
I think the arms could use one more edge running from shoulder to wrist, just so they're not completely square. It wouldn't be a big deal normally, but they just flare out so large at the cuffs that it really becomes noticeable and I think would really show up if animated. On the note of animation, one more loop across the bicep would likely help as well.
Wtf is this?
This isn´t blind´re doing it wrong!
dont get me wrong, I am just as much of a sick twisted fan as the rest of the bunch. I mean, we all touch ourselves to your work and have a doll made in your image which we dip in honey and gently smother our butt cheeks with ... its fabulous daaarling(insert gay voice there)
Jino is one of the people Afro encounters on his way to the no.1 headband, among other things.
the geta (shoes) are very deep, as mentioned.
I think he appears in the 3rd or 4th episode.
The shoes are very deep.
I got the impression they were solid iron or stone or something, because they make a very "heavy" sound when he´s walking or stomping.
He´s probably wearing them for training.
Are his hands made with planes?
Even though, your ref shows such huge foot block things, i would still make em a tad smaller. Most people who have seen the show, and those who hadn't, wont notice, and be left wondering why there so big. Keep it up!
Only crit that I can think of is that maybe the head is a weeny tiny smidgen too small? I don't have a ref to hand, but I remember the head being bigger for some reason.
Oh pedobear, he haunts every corner of the interweb. That just made me crack up.
Anyway, this is a great model, love to see where it goes from here. As SariusMonk mentioned tho, are the hands just flat planes? Just curious
awesome work slaught!
I like Afro Samurai, which is weird, cause I HATE hiphop, and anime, but what they did with the series, and movie was very interesting. And you've nailed the character so far. I wish I could give you a crit, to keep this posts ass-kissery to a minimum, but I can't see anything to crit, hoenstly. Great work, give updates.
but I dont see why you would still be using those plane fingers on a character thats over 1000 tris .. without proper hands even
when you get around that kind of polycount, I'd rather see a box hand or a hand with one finger and a thumb, or maybe go wild and crazy nextgen xbox360 motherfucker and give him 3sided cylinder fingers..
its a great character, and this time even I could see myself skinning the shoulders ..
but those plane fingers just scream laziness and kill the whole piece for me ..
but, it was a doodle, so its all good eh!
Wtf is this?
This isn´t blind´re doing it wrong!
No seriously, thanks for the crits. !
I had PSP specs in mind when I did this.
The PSP screen isn´t very big so I thought it probably would look okay in a fighting game or whatever.
You´re probably right tho...I will improve this a bit more.
The top and bottom of the hand connect at the base of the fingers.
The fingers are planes.
Here´s what they look like:
are you planning on texturing him?! hope so!
dont get me wrong, I am just as much of a sick twisted fan as the rest of the bunch. I mean, we all touch ourselves to your work and have a doll made in your image which we dip in honey and gently smother our butt cheeks with ... its fabulous daaarling(insert gay voice there)
Jinnosuke's a great character, instant recognizable mesh.