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How would you tackle separating these UVs?

polycounter lvl 19
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kodde polycounter lvl 19
Hey guys,

I was curious how you would tackle this dilemma? This is not my final UV layout but rather a WIP. All elements aren't fully unfolded yet, but it pretty much represents the general shapes.


I'm out of good ideas here. Might be because there is no other good way than splitting somewhere right across these tall UVs?

The model will have a tangent space normal map. It is intended as a FPS weapon, that is the weapon in front of you. I have a string and lever type trigger as well, and will add a bolt to complete it all. These small elements wont need much UV space.

Here's my main reference. I will want to add some wood structure to both color, normal and specular. For this reason I'd prefer not breaking and tiling the wood parts too much.




  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    since it's a first person weapon, you want to give most space and least seams to things that the player will see at all times.
    for this reason, i'd map each side of that metal spar uniquely, with most space being given the the parts facing the player, and the seam down the edge least likely to be seen (the lower front edge of each metal curve).
    You could mirror the metal bits, but I fear that unless the texture was really generic then it'd be obvious from the player view. Depends on your texture budget constraints really.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Oh yes, I want to keep in mind that the weapon would be animated as well. But most of the time you will be seeing certain areas more than others as you are pointing out.

    So you would not cut the "tall" shapes I am referring to? Unless I chop something up I am going to have an extremely unefficient UV map (lots of dead space)?
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19

    Alright, all UV shells are unfolded and pixel density is pretty much same all over. Meaning, time to layout the shells. But as you can see... there's no good and efficient way to do this due to these big "tall" shapes. So, as I see it I either have to have a really unefficient UV map layout in order to have the "tall" shapes intact or I break up the tall shapes in order to efficiently use more of the available UV space. I really don't want either... where's the make-perfect-button when you need it?
  • pixelpusher
    Is there any way you could use a 1024x256 or 1024x512 map?
  • rasmus
    Couldn't you use a non-quadratic texture size to help you out a bit though? Say 512x2048 or something?
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Ah yes, there's an idea! ...I would probably get a slap across the finger by the Tech Art Lead for that?
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Well, non-square textures are fine in most current / advanced engines, I'd be surprised if you weren't allowed to use them.
    A 512x2048 is exactly the same file size as a 1024x1024, but will allow you to lay this weapon out much more efficiently. It should be fine providing your engine supports non-square textures, and I'd be surprised if it didn't.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Cool. Then it's settled, non square texture it is. Thanks guys.
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