Hi can anyone help me with a script that can delete anything based on the selection level? Currently I've binded ctrl+backspace to one of my extra mouse buttons (because I cant bind it to another hotkey apparently without the use of a seperate hotkey program) and use the delete key for deleting everything else. But I'd like to combine both of these all into 1 button.
So in vertex/face/element level, it removes vertex/face/element
Edge level it removes edge AND vertices if the vertices are not supported by another edge (ctrl+backspace)
Object = delete object
I've found a script for doing the edge thing, but the problem is it only deletes edges and cant even be used to delete vertices like ctrl+backspace can
macroScript cleanRemoveEdge
on isEnabled return selection.count == 1 and subObjectLevel == 2 and classof selection[1] == Editable_Poly
on execute do (
local obj=selection[1]
local theEdges=polyOp.getEdgeSelection obj
if theEdges.numberset!=0 do (
local theVerts=#()
for e in theEdges do ( join theVerts ((polyop.getVertsUsingEdge obj e) as array) )
local theVertsToRemove=theVerts as bitarray
for v in theVertsToRemove do ( deleteItem theVerts (findItem theVerts v) )
undo "cleanRemoveEdge" on (
obj.EditablePoly.Remove selLevel:#Edge
polyop.setVertSelection obj (theVerts as bitarray)
obj.EditablePoly.Remove selLevel:#Vertex
macroscript GlobalDelete
buttonText:"Global Delete"
toolTip:"Global Delete"
On Execute Do
if (classof($.baseobject) == editable_poly)
if (subobjectLevel == 1) then
$.EditablePoly.Remove ()
if (subobjectlevel == 2) then
macros.run "Yozora" "cleanRemoveEdge"
max delete
max delete
And it works, I feel all happy and stuff
The 2nd "else max delete" is there to delete non editable poly objects, its probably redundant and theres an easier way to do this without the
"if (classof($.baseobject) == editable_poly)" bit at the start, but I dont know how.
So far the only "problem" is that I cant delete a border edge because "cleanremoveedge" is like ctrl+backspace and doesnt delete edges on a border. How can I modify my script to allow deletion of these edges? Something like "if edge = on the border of the object then ( max delete)" but how do you type that properly?
(when i say border I dont mean the border sub object level, I can delete them fine with my script - I'm talking about one of the edges in the border. Its unlikely I'd want to delete an edge like that anyway but still, might as well make my "global delete" really globally delete anything)
Edit - After some further testing I found that the "cleanRemoveEdge" script doesnt cleanly remove the edges if one of the edges in a edge loop is already deleted. For example, make a box with 2 subdivisions on 1 axis, select ONE of the edges in the inside loop, delete it using cleanremoveedges and then select the remaining edge loop (3 edges) and delete that using the script, you'll find 2 left over vertices from where the "gap" in the loop was.
If I ever wanted to delete the end of a polygonal plane strip I'd delete the face in face mode instead of the edge anyway.
Edit; this is a perfect working version that has no problems:
macroscript GlobalDelete
buttonText:"Global Delete"
toolTip:"Global Delete"
if (classOf (modpanel.getcurrentobject()) == Editable_Poly) then
if (subobjectLevel == 1) then
$.EditablePoly.Remove ()
if (subobjectlevel == 2) then
case (getSelectionLevel $) of
#Vertex: $.EditablePoly.Remove selLevel:#Vertex
sel = #{}
edgesel = polyOp.getEdgeSelection $
vertsel = polyOp.getVertsUsingEdge $ edgesel
$.EditablePoly.Remove selLevel:#Edge
for i = 1 to vertsel.numberset do
if ($.GetVertexEdgeCount (vertsel as array)) == 2 then sel = sel + #{(vertsel as array)}
polyop.setVertSelection $ sel
$.EditablePoly.Remove selLevel:#Vertex
sel = #{}
facesel = polyOp.getFaceSelection $
edgesel = polyOp.getEdgesUsingFace $ facesel
for i = 1 to edgesel.numberset do
if (((polyOp.getEdgeFaces $ (edgesel as array)) as bitarray)*(facesel as bitarray)).numberset == 2 then sel= sel + #{(edgesel as array)}
polyop.setEdgeSelection $ sel
$.EditablePoly.Remove selLevel:#Edge
max delete
max delete