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WIP: Fat non realistic man

Hello everyone,

here is a wip I am working on of an over weight more cartoony man. I am kind of at a block where I am not sure where I can take it from here to add more character and detail into the face to really make it so non generic. Any help/comments/advice would be awesome.



  • System
    Offline / Send Message
    System admin
    Hi, I think your model looks quite realistic, not cartoony at at all. Trying to add cartoony details at this stage would be a mistake and would ruin your work here. If you did want to do that though, this could be shown in the texture by using a small size, not adding ambient occlusion and hand painting hard shadows in.

    Edit : He looks stylised too, not generic, that is a face I could remember!
  • ScoobyDoofus
    Offline / Send Message
    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Well, he looks like a video gamey quasi-realistic angry Peter Griffin to me.
    If you wanna go cartoony, really go cartoony I say. Style it up more. Use broader, simpler shapes. Minimize your detail, but maximize your content, if you know what i mean.

    shitty 5 minute paintover:
  • rdramsay1121
    Well, he looks like a video gamey quasi-realistic angry Peter Griffin to me.

    that just cracked me up hard.

    nice work btw, I do agree that it's stylized but it's a compelling character; keep at it!
  • Janglesworthy
    thanks for the comments guys, yeah it's very possible I was watching family guy while doing this and playing tf2...could be a mix. I'll have find a specific style and go for it.
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