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2.5 Ton Truck

Hullo there polycount. This is what I'm working on at present. It's one of those ubiquitous US military trucks that you see everywhere. It's for a mod on the source engine. The render below is just a basic scanline jobby with 100% selfillum. I'll probably put a specmap on it as I get nearer being done with it, but I'm not entirely sure how the source engine treats such things.

Rough to do list :
Sort out the tyres. They stick out like a sore thumb.
Paint in a bit more lighting since source doesn't do much of it's own and it's going to be a static prop.

This is (sort of) the first texture I've done, so there are going to be issues with it, but i've been trying to listen to the crits I've been getting along the way in the hope of turning out reasonably.

Clicky the pic for fullsize :



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