so i kind of cracked polypaintiing, make niceely ccoloured models and then baking the colours to a
texture which works fine.
the problem is the baked normal map doesn't quite match up , so the colurs I so painstakinly
painted around complex shapes or used alphas don't quite line up, giving colour bleed.
anyway around this?
What software are we talking about?
I would do a test like this: Do some GUV tiles (IIRC) on your model, the export as OBJ but dont forget to flip the map before exporting, also, do the highest resolution texture possible when converting polypaint to texture, then export your texture from Z. Import everything in Xnormal to bake your diffuse / normal / AO (using simple AO tool) for same settings and so consistency / alignment btw all maps. Might want to do a test with a 512 map with 1x AA to see how it goes and if there is color bleeding.
Alternatively, never touch Zmapper again.
zmapper is far from shit IMHO, its just this particular issue. obviously if you paint the colour
map at the highest subd level and the lowest level is supporting the normal , map there will be
a shift in the uv's, but surely the colour and normal should come out the same for the lowest
weird though, but I will do some more tests. wil try that smooth uv thing to Blaizer
I don't think that 3D programs usually behave that way. Maybe try to subdivide your mesh a few times in Z and Max/Maya, and compare the resulting UVs?
the polypaint transfer, so they should both have the same distortion in theory
I will play around with this some more. could just be something simple
edit doh obviously the polypaint is taken from the highest subdivision level , so its never going to
match the lowest versions normal map.
shame really.