just a quickie, please tell me if I'm missing something here. Am I right in thinking the best way to show a lightmap is to create a material coloured with a multi layer texture, with a texture on one layer and the lightmap above set to multiply?
and for each new texture, you need to make it multi layer in the same fashion?
whats the best way to preview lightmaps where you have one object, one lightmap, and loads of textures?
Lately, I have been connecting AO textures to the colorGain of the diffuse texture in each material with much faster results. I think I read that tip here and it looks ok. Maybe give that a try?
Lately, I have been connecting AO textures to the colorGain of the diffuse texture. I think I read this tip here not so long ago. It is a lot quicker than setting up multple layered shaders and the results are basically the same.