Our small team is attempting the impossible. A MMORPG with custom game engine.
The genre is a sci-fi space conquest type game. The unique idea behind this game engine is that you can fly from space and land on the surface of a planet. You could also walk on the surface of a ship in space with local ship gravity and then jump into the gravity of a nearby planet turning into a human meteorite. The game will not have any quests or much of a story but we are going to focus on making the play interesting. For example, you might want to start a colony on your newly acquired planet. You stop at earth and fill your ship with colonists. As you fly your new settlers into space you realize suddenly that there is a sale on uranium ore on mars. With all of your cargo space full of settlers you are forced to make the hard decision of jettisoning them into space to make room for the ore. You might not really do this, but we are determined to make these scenarios possible.
THIS IS NOT A FPS. Sure, you can blow people away, but the emphasis here will be on trade.
Our goal is to release a playable demo and secure funding at that time. The demo will have a much smaller scope. The game will eventually become profitable when thousands of people start playing;)
A game editor with full support of software shaders has been released.
Here is a link to the forum
Here are a few models that I have worked on, I guess you could say I am the art director. I am a one man band ATM, but I'm hoping I can get a small group of artists together.