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Updated Chuggnutt UV Tools

polycounter lvl 18
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FAT_CAP polycounter lvl 18
I remember a while back someone posting a download for an updated version of Chuggnutt's UV Tools - I can see the archived thread at http://boards.polycount.net/archive/index.php/t-49992.html - but the thread it links to with the download in doesn't work anymore.

I only have the version from his site on my machine at the moment and using it with MAX9 SP2 I can't get the soft selection tool to work. From the archived thread it looks like this issue is fixed in the new version so if anybody has a link to it that would be great.


  • Psyk0
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    FAT_CAP polycounter lvl 18
    Great thanks Psyko - that's exactly what I was looking for!

    Just tried this version and it does indeed fix the soft selection issue that 1.4 had. It actually adds a whole other drop down panel where you can control the fallof and edge distance etc.

    Chuggnut should really put up a download link for this on his homepage so other noobs like me aren't "stuck" with the soft select in .1.4
  • FuzzYspo0N
    man, thanks guys. these are my favourite UV tools for max. Why max doesnt implement some of these i wont understand... but still. Awesome
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I use these all the time, thanks for the update :)
  • Mark Dygert
    FuzzYspo0N wrote: »
    man, thanks guys. these are my favourite UV tools for max. Why max doesnt implement some of these i wont understand... but still. Awesome
    Most have been... which ones are you missing?
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    flatten in a direction
    space evenly

    offset the uvs by N pixels/units
  • Mark Dygert
    offset the uvs by N pixels/units
    1) Select a few verts, edges or elements, click 1, and type a value of 1 in U to move it one tile to the right, -1 to move it one tile to the left bla bla bla. Turn it off when your done because mouse wheel will nudge it.
    Flatten in any direction
    Select verts or edges, go down to 2, type a number and hit enter.
    0 is left, .5 is middle, 1 is right. V works the vertical magic.

    You can also select a ring of verts, edges or elements, and use the scale horiz/vert tool to smash them flat. Not as precise tho, more mouse clicks, but if you find yourself at a naked work station keep these in mind. Personally I use a few simple non destructive scripts that cover these functions.
    space evenly
    Space evenly is about the only one that hasn't been included. But scripts have been made. Check out James Haywood site, he wrote a bunch of great scripts including flatten & average UV's very easy to assign them to a keystroke, button or quad menu if the standard 3ds way is too clunky. Most of his scripts works just like chuggnuts, but without the tacked on interface.
  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    thats no where near thesame as just selecting a bunch of vertexes and then clicking the flatten button and right after that the space evenly button tho =). I'm naked without chuggnutts tools!!
  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    Does max have scale UV island to 0-1 while maintaining aspect ratio?

    Chugg has this under "more tools" - to me this is one of the best reasons to chugg his nuts..
  • Mark Dygert
    My 4 cents on the issue...
    Peris wrote: »
    thats no where near thesame as just selecting a bunch of vertexes and then clicking the flatten button and right after that the space evenly button tho =). I'm naked without chuggnutts tools!!
    If you're addicted to the interface I can't help that. But the functionality is there and can be made easier to access without having to overwrite core files, use outdated hack fixes for things that are already there, or bother with a huge ugly interface that is 97% redundant.

    Also Chuggnutts tools removes several things from the Unwrap editor UI like the Options Panel.
    Improvements that were included in 3ds but never in chuggnuts. It does this by not adding chuggnuts tools to the existing macro, but by outright replacing the whole Macro_UnwrapUI.mcr file ouch...

    Also some other newer scripts might not work with the outdated Macro_UnwrapUI.mcr file chuggnuts installs

    As I mentioned Haywood's scripts do exactly what you want in less clicks. Using Haywood's scripts you could shorten those two button presses down to one, so you have one button, quad menu, or hotkey that flattens then spaces evenly. With chuggs, you're stuck with 2 clicks and limited 2 clunky buttons. With a little scripting you can get all of Haywoods flatten/average scripts to run on edges and verts, same command.

    I'm not saying Autodesk got the interface right, but the functionality is there even when most people over look it. There is a cleaner, easier way to work with very little effort and is less destructive.

    I think a much better solution and MoP already did this, was to go over Chuggnuts code, and strip out the useful parts and incorporate them into modern scripts that don't harm existing files.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I used to work with chuggnut and asked him to post the update.

    Whilst I was working at swordfish we had access to his latest verison which was more advanced

    than the internet version:)

    I guess he never has time these days
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