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My Hairy Lizard Man W.I.P.

polycounter lvl 13
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TychoVII polycounter lvl 13
I'm modeling this guy as a portfolio piece and for use in some classes. I'd really appreciate some input on where to take him. Right now I'm leaning towards hair-like tendrils for the head and sort of a bushy dog tail. Not sure why but I feel like putting something hairy on him to give him sort of a reptile-mammalian mix. Any ideas?



  • Thaur
    The feet and hands look too big to me but maybe you are going for that exaggerated monster look. For references you could check out an armadillo as they are pretty close to a reptile-mammal mix. I think it would show how to distribute hair/scales on the body realistically. There are all sorts of prehistoric animals that are not quite mammal not quite reptile to look at. Can also go for the dinosaur-bird combination.
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    I like the (interior crocodile) alligator type head
    sick one
  • 00Zero
    very cool. modelled or sculpted? it would be interesting to see him with some warthog elements.
  • TychoVII
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    TychoVII polycounter lvl 13
    00Zero: This guy was sculpted in Zbrush. Warthog is a good idea but I don't want him to appear too pig-sloppy brute-like, if that makes sense...

    I'm kind of running into a wall at the moment. I'm not sure how to do the tendrils on his head. I couldn't do them in Zbrush because they're too long and I'd run out of detail quickly.

    I ended up retopping him to a low poly mesh and created the tendrils in Max. I also added some other features like the ears, tail, and hair planes on cheeks and tail.

    It seems like it would be extremely cumbersome to have to redo all my detail on the new model with the tendrils and then also have them interfering with sculpting his back. If I chopped them off and did them as a separate piece there would be no way to reattach them when the high poly is done, or there would be a huge ass seam where they were cut. Is there any simple way to tackle this?

    I'm not sure where to go from here :/

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