When I unwrap UV, I can't turn off permanently 2 options : 'show seam', 'show map seam'. They are turned on, every time when I choose Unwrap UVW from Modifier list. Is it possible to turn them off permanently ?
nope It's a little bit better, becouse when I save 'as default settings', collapse stack (collapse all or collapse to) - then, option 'Show Map Seam' is unmarked, but 'Show Pelt Seam' is still marked incredible.
select it (just the script) and drag it into your main toolbar. A button should appear- each time you press that button a uv-unwrap modifier is applied on your object and by default it shows the pelt seams as well as setting the seam edit mode on. You can customize that button by rightclicking.
There are some other tweaks like disabling map (checker view) in the UV view and a default setup of selecting faces and face groups instead of vertexes and alike.
Unbelieveble but it doesn't work with my 3d max (ver. 9) I did exactly as you said. When I'm want to customize this script, I click right on it and I change some options (disable everytihng for example), and I have sthg like this:
its the script wrapped in a macroscript container,- if change things there make sure you save the changes - so:
file > save
then clicking on the button again should work with the changes.
There are some other tweaks like disabling map (checker view) in the UV view and a default setup of selecting faces and face groups instead of vertexes and alike.
and when I start this script... 'Show Pelt Seam' is still marked
if you edit your script from the button ,e.g right click > "Edit Macro Script" a script window with this script should appear: its the script wrapped in a macroscript container,- if change things there make sure you save the changes - so:
file > save
then clicking on the button again should work with the changes.
now is cool