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Atv work in progress

Hi everyone I haven't posted anything for a long time now, this is alittle piece that i've been working on, and I thought I should share it to find out what some of you think I know this is still at an early stage but Crits are more than welcome.





  • dolemite
    Hey try using the IMG tag. Atv02.jpg You'll get more feedback this way. Put the direct link in there.

    Nice work, I can't wait to see it when it's done. Will you be baking it down into a normal map?

    Sweet action on the tires. Do you have photo refs for those? I don't look at ATV tires enough to know if they are correct, but something seems a little bit off about the pattern on the back tires. Not really sure.

    Looking forward to updates.
  • vj_box
    The tires look rally weird now,you need to work on em with a concrete reference.
    Do refer to games some atv games.Looking forward
  • Oneil
    thanks dolemite for the heads up about using the (imgtag) i'm still trying to figure it out .LOL
    yeah the rear tires do look kinda weird, I used reff for the front but I thought I would try something new with the rear ones but thanks for letting me know I'll just stick to the original concept.

    I do plan on baking normal maps for it.
  • ae.
    Offline / Send Message
    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    i made a atv too awhile ago hopefully it can be a source of some inspiration :)


    right now its obviously very wip but id try normal mapping the tires instead of making them geometry. really it dpends on what kind of game this is for if its intended for a racing game i would leave it as is but if you just want it for something like a shooter id try to normal map it.
  • Snader
    Offline / Send Message
    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    you guys have been playing Pure, haven't you? ;)
  • ae.
    Offline / Send Message
    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Snader wrote: »
    you guys have been playing Pure, haven't you? ;)

    played the demo very lovely looking game i wish my model was half as detailed as theres :)
  • Oneil
    thanks ae for sharing, and Snader I didn't even know about that game but i'll be dawn it looks really good I'll have to download the demo now.:) and yeah their models look really high ress that's going to be another source of inpiration for me . thank you guys.
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